Ingrown toenail: when is it useful to treat it with phenolization?

Ingrown toenail, also known by the name of onychriptosis, is a disease that can affect people of all ages. Caused by the abnormal growth of the nail plate, this condition appears unsightly and painful. Dr. Alfio Sciuto, expert in General Surgery in Catania , talks about phenolization, or the treatment used to solve this annoying disorder

What are the main causes of the ingrown nail?

The ingrown nail is one that is closely related to the following factors:

  • Foot conformation or congenital deformities
  • Type of work
  • Sports type
  • Use of tight shoes
  • Excessive sweating of the feet
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Arthritis
  • Continuous trauma to the feet
  • Fungal pathologies
  • Incorrect posture
  • Poor hygiene

When is it necessary to carry out the phenolization treatment?

After the traditional intervention, with radical, partial or total onictomy, the nail re-education for the treatment of the ingrown nail may not be effective and cause recurrence of the pathology.

The main cases in which phenolization of the nail with phenol 85% is applied are:

  • Presence of deviations of the first phalanx;
  • Recurrence of previous interventions;
  • Serious deformity of the nail plate.

In these cases the treatment of phenolization of a part of the nail matrix is ​​indicated , aimed at the defined resolution of this annoying condition.

How is the phenolization treatment for ingrown toenail performed?

The procedure consists of phenolization of the ingrown nail, i.e. the use of 85% phenol on the lateral matrix exposed by lateral onychectomy after local anesthesia in 2% carbocaine, with removal of a small lateral portion of the matrix. The nail plate will be slightly narrower but aesthetically not visible as it was previously hidden in the nail groove due to deformity of the same. The phenol is used with cotton swab dipped in 85% phenol, in two throws of thirty seconds.


by Abdullah Sam
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