Inflammatory foods: precautions after plastic surgery


Recovery after plastic surgery requires attention to ensure that everything goes as expected. One of these precautions includes avoiding inflammatory foods , as they hinder the body’s healing and restoration processes.

In addition to knowing them, it is essential to know which foods are good choices for a diet . This way, it is possible to prepare yourself to have a balanced diet.

In this article, you will learn which inflammatory foods to avoid after plastic surgery . Check it out!

The role of nutrition in recovery after plastic surgery

Taking care of your diet after surgery is especially important due to the impact it has on this process. This is because nutrients are essential to speed up recovery and maintain the client’s health.

Firstly, a good diet is essential to provide the nutrients that help repair body tissues and heal the skin . Proteins, for example, are important for muscle building and recovery.

Other components, such as vitamin C, are essential for stimulating collagen production . This substance is important for supporting the skin , giving it firmness and helping to speed up healing.

Furthermore, it is possible to obtain other benefits from nutrition in the post-operative period of plastic surgery . See some examples:

  • Optimization of cell circulation and oxygenation;
  • Strengthening the immune system;
  • Reduction of inflammation and risk of infections;
  • Reduction in swelling and fluid retention;
  • Reduction in the risk of keloid scars.

Read also: Plastic surgery: 17 answers to the main questions

Understanding Inflammatory Foods

While diet can help with post-operative recovery, it is important to be careful with certain choices . This is necessary because there are so-called inflammatory foods.

These foods are those that can promote or trigger inflammatory processes in the body. This usually happens when they are consumed regularly, in large quantities or at times when the body is fragile.

Inflammatory foods trigger this response in the body mainly by stimulating the production of so-called free radicals .

They cause what is known as oxidative stress , leading to cellular damage and premature aging . As a result, the body produces an inflammatory response, which can become chronic.

During the recovery period after plastic surgery, the body is already under stress to rebuild tissues. The effects of inflammatory foods during this period can become even more intense, directly affecting the healing and health maintenance processes .

Inflammatory Foods to Avoid After Plastic Surgery

Since inflammatory foods are so harmful to your health, especially after plastic surgery, it is essential to know which foods to avoid during this period. Below is a list of what not to include in your diet:

Processed foods

To take care of your diet, it is essential to avoid processed ingredients , such as highly industrialized products, fast foods, frozen foods and soft drinks.

They are often high in bad fats , sugars, sodium and food additives. These components tend to trigger inflammatory reactions and delay healing, harming overall health.

Sugars and simple carbohydrates

Foods rich in sugar and simple carbohydrates generate glycemic spikes . As they are processed very quickly, they generate a high level of energy in the body, but this is followed by abrupt drops.

This mechanism causes the body to react in the form of inflammation . Foods in this group to avoid include cakes, sweetened drinks and desserts in general, as well as white breads and refined pastas.

Furthermore, excessive consumption of refined sugars can disrupt the intestinal biota , facilitating the access of bacteria to the bloodstream and increasing the risk of inflammation.

Read also: Facial surgery: learn about the types and indications

Foods high in sodium

Foods rich in sodium are harmful because they increase fluid retention . As a result, swelling and possible circulation problems and inflammation increase.

Some examples are processed and ultra-processed foods, such as preserved , canned and sausage products . Adding excess salt to food should also be avoided.

Foods with high levels of saturated and trans fats

Saturated and trans fats are equally harmful to the body. They affect the overall functioning of the body, especially by stimulating the production of free radicals .

Foods rich in these fats impair cell regeneration , which delays healing and increases the risk of keloids . Some examples are red meats and meats with high levels of fat, fried foods and some full-fat dairy products.


Alcohol consumption is already harmful to the body, but it can cause even more unwanted effects. It can cause the body to produce more inflammatory markers , as well as weaken the immune system .

Another complicating factor is the interaction between alcohol and various analgesic and other types of medications. Therefore, it is essential to stop drinking alcoholic beverages post-operatively.

Healthy and nutritious alternative

In addition to knowing which inflammatory foods to avoid, it is worth knowing which foods to eat after plastic surgery. This way, you can take care of your diet in the best way possible.

Discover the main options:

Fresh fruits and vegetables

A healthy diet has fresh fruits and vegetables as some of its main components. They are especially important in plastic surgery recovery because they are rich in minerals , vitamins and essential nutrients .

Citrus fruits, such as oranges and strawberries, are rich in vitamin C, which stimulates collagen . Therefore, consuming them can favor the tissue recovery process.

Dark green leafy vegetables, such as spinach and kale, are rich in vitamin E and other anti-inflammatories and antioxidants. They help capture and eliminate free radicals , preventing cell oxidation.

Whole grains

Whole grains are great allies in post-surgical recovery. They provide complex carbohydrates that provide energy without causing glycemic spikes.

In addition, they are rich in fiber, which helps the intestines to function and prevents constipation. The B vitamins in grains such as oats, quinoa and chia help the nervous system to function .

Healthy fats

Not all fat is harmful to the body, especially during this recovery phase. During this period, it is recommended to increase the consumption of fats considered healthy.

Omega 3, which is found in fish, nuts and seeds, is an example. This fatty acid has properties that combat and prevent inflammation in the body , improving its functioning.

Lean proteins

Proteins are like the building blocks of muscle. Therefore, it is important to consume lean proteins during this phase, which includes white meat, lean fish, eggs and legumes.

With adequate lean protein intake, your body has the building blocks it needs to produce new cells and regenerate tissue . Protein also strengthens your immune system and reduces inflammation.


Hydration is essential at any time, especially after surgery. It is essential to increase water consumption. This helps maintain cellular and systemic functions , such as blood circulation.

Water is also important to prevent swelling and eliminate toxins . It also helps keep the skin hydrated , which improves healing results.

Read also: The importance of sunscreen for the face after plastic surgery

Practical tips for eating after plastic surgery

Considering the role of nutrition after plastic surgery, it is essential to prepare yourself to eat healthy and nutritious meals during this period. 

At the same time, challenges can arise due to dietary restrictions , so it is essential to be prepared to deal with them.

Check out some eating tips to put into practice:

Make a meal plan

Before surgery, it is a good idea to draw up a meal plan with all the ingredients that may or may not be in the pantry during the period. At this point, you need to decide which foods will be chosen and the quantities , depending on the meals.

This way, you can buy the necessary ingredients and have them available right after surgery, making it easier to make good food choices.

Consider getting help

For those who prefer to prepare their own food, one option is to make several portions and freeze them . With the right instructions, the dishes can last for many days in the freezer.

However, there are other options as well. One is to hire a professional to cook at home every day or prepare portions in advance. You can also use healthy food services .

Eat light, frequent meals

To help the body recover, it is best to eat light meals more frequently . This will help avoid large glycemic variations and keep the body supplied with the necessary nutrients.

This is also a way to avoid overloading the body , which happens when consuming large portions. Therefore, it is best to eat in a balanced way throughout the day.

Follow the surgeon’s instructions

It is also essential to strictly follow all of the surgeon’s recommendations . The professional is responsible for authorizing the consumption of certain drinks or foods and may even recommend seeking a nutritionist to monitor this period.

The other post-operative recommendations must also be followed. This way, you can have a smoother recovery that will not require constant changes to your diet.

Eating well and healthily is essential post-operatively

A good diet is one of the essential factors for a smooth recovery after plastic surgery. By avoiding inflammatory foods and making good choices, you can get through this period more calmly and safely.