Why is sunlight so important to life?

Almost all living things depend on sunlight to survive. Vegetables, for example, can only perform photosynthesis with the presence of light. All vegetables have pigments that can capture sunlight and perform photosynthesis. The best known pigment is chlorophyll, which gives green color to some vegetables. When vegetables perform photosynthesis, they produce glucose, which is a sugar used as an energy source by both the plant and other living beings that consume it. When a living being consumes a plant, it is also consuming glucose and, as a result, absorbing energy.

Sunlight can vary in intensity depending on the time of year . In autumn and winter, the days are shorter and we have sunlight for less time. In spring and summer, the days are longer and we have sunlight for longer.

Seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter

Spring is the season of the year when the amount and intensity of sunlight is greatest and, as a consequence, the temperature increases. With this, several species of plants bloom making the landscapes more beautiful. When these plants bloom, they produce offspring that are seeds and fruits. With so many fruits and seeds available, the animals enjoy and also reproduce, after all, there will be food for everyone. That is why spring is considered the time of new life, of rebirth.

In spring, plants and animals reproduce

Sunlight is also very important for us humans. Our bones need vitamin D to make them strong. And this vitamin is activated only if we have exposure to the sun.


by Abdullah Sam
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