Importance of the Outcome

In literary creation, the writer manages a complex carpentry to build a work. Each aspect is relevant: characters, plot, historical period, position of the narrator … After completing the creative process, the work reaches the hands of the reader, who begins to delve into the story . And almost from the beginning there is an announcement, a question: what will be the outcome.

Let’s think for a moment about the word outcome. It refers to a loop that is released, untied. This is what happens with any story. First, who, how and where events happen gradually appears. Then the narrator develops, explains, confronts all the elements. And finally comes the culminating moment, the denouement, the moment where everything dissipates. It is an expected revelation. However, you have to try to impact the reader, play with him, make him believe that the outcome was going to be one and, suddenly, it is just the opposite, something unexpected.

The outcome can be predictable, logical, unheard of, sad or enigmatic. A good story is one in which the outcome does not leave the reader indifferent, who also has in mind his own formula to end the story.

We see, therefore, that there is a dialogue between the two protagonists, the reader and the writer. The first one wants to read between the lines and projects in his imagination a final point of a certain color and texture . And the writer hides his intentions. In reality the game between the two will end when the book is closed and it returns to its usual bookshelf.

Every story has an ending, and there could even be a paradox: an absence of ending is another way to remove the definitive tie to the narrative .

Each literary genre has its own guidelines when it comes to approaching one outcome or the other. The comedy opts for a happy ending, the tragedy ends with the death of the hero and the drama tends towards pain and bitterness as a conclusion.

And as has already been said, the outcome can and does come, because all history begins and ends, like life itself with its final outcome.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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