5 Importance of Recreational Activities For Kids,Students And Employees

Importance of Recreational Activities is very great topic for all of us.Recreation is the spice of life. Without leisure activities makes life dull and monotonous. We are going to discuss about that.

Importance of Recreational Activities For Kids,Students And Employees

A student’s life is more or less continuous labour he plods at his books day and night and prepares for examinations. The carpenter works at the chisel and the halftime and earns his bread by the sweat-of his brow ; the blacksmith goes to his smithy every day and beats, iron into shape ; the clerk goes to office in the morning and keeps himself buried in files and ledgers till evening ; and the porter goes to the market-place, carrying loads from one place to another and earns his livelihood. The business man opens his shop and entertains customers of every variety from morning till evening and makes whatever pile he can.

Recreation or diversion is a necessity.

Man’s whole vocation is not merely to earn his bread. It is said that man does not live by bread alone ; he has to look to the things of the spirit. Even apart from the things of the spirit, one cannot chase the flying rupee all day long. It seems that man can earn money the healer and pursue his vocation in life the more successfully if he steps aside for a while and takes part in some form of recreation.

The Power Of Importance of Recreational Activities

Recreations are of different kinds. Some play cards, some kabaddi, some Tennis or Badminton and others football or cricket or hockey, volleyball or basketball. There are people, both young and old, who resort to long walks in the morning or in the evening as a recreation ; it is in fact a common sight how men of every age frequent public parks in the morning or in the evening, soon form into small groups and walk, talking about politics, high as well as low, in a more or less irresponsible manner.

 In fact, different recreations appeal to different temperaments.

The best form of recreation is, in our view, a game of Tennis in the evening. There arc certain obvious defects in Football or Hockey as recreation ; one cannot control oneself in such a game as that, there is too much of abandon in Football or Hockey. Again in Cricket, for example, there is a segregation of the sexes ; it is a recreation for the males. Tennis as a recreation has some special features to present. In the first place, it is an international game; it is as international and representative in character as is the United Nations’ Organization. As Sir Samuel Hoare says, “Never was there such an international game and never was there such a sociable game.” Whether Tennis is played on “the Centre Court at Wimbledon” or on the mud-plastered court in the club on College grounds it draws men and women, boys and girls ai J is played with both enjoyment and enthusiasm.

Study Shows That Tennis has been best Recreational activity

The point about Tennis as a form of recreation which makes a special appeal to us s that it calls into play every inch of muscle and every ounce of strength and teaches the sense of lime. And yet one can have control over one’s physical energy ; one can play just a game or a set of games. There are people who condemn Tennis as mere “pet-ball” in which men merely thrust and parry balls without aim or plan. This attack is of course frankly unfair.

Physical energy is not self-sufficient ; it is always controlled by the inner powers of the mind. Most people forget this fact and come to grief. Recreation brings into play those inner powers of the mind which make one work with great efficiency during the hours of business. Just think of the topspin drive in Tennis.

It is a drive made with the object of hitting the ball fairly hard and yet net sending it out of court behind the opponent’s baseline. Then there are the backhand and forehand styles of drive. For what at any rate, after, coming back from office, to play a game or two of Tennis is an ideal form of recreation; it is also the best form of diversion for students. Recreation is not the idling away ol time : it is not a vacuum in life. It is on the other hand a diversion when one does not talk shop, forgets the worries of life and enjoys oneself in an activity in which there is a release of the best powers of energy.

The whole game of Lawn Tennis consists of attack and defence, stroke and counter stroke. As Mr. Burrow puts it, “the opening stroke of every rally is the service, and this ought to be the opening of the attack.” And then follow the volleys-the defensive volley, the smash volley and the lob-volley-of different styles. The person who always plays Tennis as recreation gathers a kind of creative energy which he can well apply to the more serious business of life with the greatest of ease and elegance.

Recreational activities play a significant role in enhancing our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Here’s a guide in tabular format highlighting the importance of various recreational activities:

Activity Physical Benefits Mental Benefits Emotional Benefits
Walking/Hiking Improves cardiovascular health, strengthens muscles Reduces stress, improves mood Enhances self-esteem, offers relaxation
Swimming Builds endurance, muscle strength, cardiovascular fitness Helps to alleviate stress Improves mood, induces a positive mental outlook
Cycling Increases muscle strength and flexibility, improves joint mobility Reduces anxiety and depression Enhances mood, increases feelings of happiness
Yoga Increases flexibility, improves balance and posture Enhances focus and concentration Promotes peace of mind, reduces feelings of stress
Dancing Improves physical strength, enhances endurance Boosts memory, improves mental functioning Increases emotional well-being, helps in expressing emotions
Team Sports (e.g., Soccer, Basketball) Improves cardiovascular health, builds muscle strength Enhances teamwork skills, improves strategic thinking Boosts self-confidence, promotes social interaction
Gardening Increases hand strength, improves dexterity Reduces risk of dementia, promotes problem-solving Increases feelings of accomplishment, reduces stress levels
Art and Crafts Enhances fine motor skills, boosts creativity Stimulates brain function, improves focus Promotes self-expression, reduces anxiety
Reading Improves brain connectivity, reduces risk of Alzheimer’s disease Increases knowledge, improves memory Reduces stress, enhances empathy
Meditation Lowers blood pressure, improves sleep quality Increases mental clarity, improves attention Promotes emotional health, reduces feelings of anxiety

Engaging in these activities can lead to a healthier, more balanced, and fulfilling lifestyle.


In conclusion, recreational activities are not just a means of passing the time; they are integral to our well-being and personal growth. They offer an escape from the pressures of daily life and provide us with avenues for relaxation, socialization, and self-expression. By incorporating recreational activities into our lives, we can lead happier, healthier, and more fulfilling lives. So, why wait? Dive into a new hobby or revisit an old one – the benefits are worth it!

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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