If a company does not have an environmental management system

The processes that comprise the economy of a country often compromise its environmental sanitation system . That is why governments over time are promoting environmental policies for the preservation of the environment.

Similarly, many of these policies are directed at businesses. Which must make use of instruments and environmental management systems in order to achieve these objectives.

Likewise, companies that want to involve their employees even more in their environmental policies create work incentive programs for those who meet the objectives of the environmental management system . Here we will explain the types of instruments and systems of environmental management of a company.

Types of environmental management instruments of a company

An environmental management instrument comprises a means to achieve compliance with the environmental laws or policies of a company. Similarly, there are several types of environmental management instruments :

First of all, we have those instruments that include sanctions or regulations to enforce environmental sanitation laws . It is based on the regulation of actions directly according to the laws.

Also, there are administrative and economic instruments. These are based on the granting of permits to carry out activities that involve some environmental risk. In the same way, it is also intended with these instruments, orient the economy to a much more sustainable and renewable vision.

Finally, and the most important instrument, corresponds to environmental education. Well, this medium is the main access to proper business management . Since its bases are based on principles and not on laws.

Apply an environmental management system in a company

The process to apply an environmental management system in a company starts from the study and analysis of the environmental impact of the processes that make up the company, this can be done through a pilot test . In this way, each of its productive sectors must be studied, determining its impact and polluting factors.

Once the polluting factors have been identified, the environmental management system is created through the strategic planning of the company . For this, it works based on a program that complies with environmental policies .

In this way, the reduction of the impact on the processes is sought and the plan is subsequently presented to the board of directors so that it can be executed and followed up to evaluate whether the proposed objectives are achieved .

On the other hand, if a company has an environmental management system and does not apply it correctly. Responsible company executives could be penalized. In this way, depending on the magnitude of the environmental crime , they could be penalized with several years in prison.

What if a company does not have an environmental management system?

Although it is not a requirement for the company to apply environmental management. What is an obligation is to comply with the environmental protection regulations and legislation issued by the competent authorities of the area where said company is located.

So, if a company does not comply with these regulations or laws, it can lose a lot of money in fines. Since fines from the environmental sector are very costly , environmental preservation is considered a priority for most governments in the world. However, depending on the environmental sanitation policies of each country, even the company could be closed.

In the same way, there are cases in which the laws for environmental preservation are not enough. In these cases there may be situations in which the company, no matter how much they comply with these laws, finds itself in a situation where it can cause an environmental crisis .

When this happens, the company is legally obliged to pay compensation for all those people who were affected by these consequences. In addition, he must solve the environmental problem under his own direction.

That is why complying with the strategic planning of the environmental management system in a company is not only about preserving the environment and natural resources. Rather, a necessary means to ensure that the company does not suffer future losses as in the cases mentioned above. Which comprises an essential part of successful business management.


by Abdullah Sam
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