How to win being an impostor in Among Us?

Among Us is a new game in which you can participate as a crew member or as an impostor . Considering that this is random. In other words, the same game chooses the players who will be part of the crew or those who will participate as impostors.

Based on this, it is important that you know some tips that can be useful when being an imposter.

Tips to win being an impostor in Among Us

There are two ways you can win the game by being an imposter. One of them is killing all the crew and the other is that you do some critical sabotages in which you do not have time to solve them. But how can you achieve this without being discovered? Here we tell you what you should do:

  • Be prudent and play smart. Because with any suspicious movement, others can discover that you are the imposter.
  • Get the right moment to attack. Bearing in mind that to kill a crew member you must be as close to them as possible.
  • Do not murder anyone if you have raised suspicions. While they are accusing or suspecting you, try not to kill anyone in order to mislead you.
  • Pretend you’re doing homework. Basically this will help you to make others think that you are part of the crew .
  • You can use the ventilation slits. But when you do, you have to make sure no one is watching.
  • Remember that you can do sabotagein order to make things more difficult for the crew. You can lock the doors , remove the electricity , remove the oxygen , among other things.

You can also support that the impostor is another player. For example, if the other players want to vote for a crew member to eliminate him, you vote too. In the same way, try to have arguments in case they accuse you.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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