How to watch Discovery + on Smart TV

After following my tutorial on Discovery + (ex Dplay), the streaming service that allows you to access the best contents of channels such as Real Time, NINE, DMAX, Animal Planet, Frisbee, K2, Yellow and more, both in on mode -demand that live, you want to install the official app of this service on your Smart TV. However, you haven’t quite figured out how to do it: don’t worry, I’m here to help you out!

If you give me five minutes of your free time (it doesn’t take longer), I can explain everything you need to know about how to watch Discovery + on Smart TV . I can reassure you right now: this is an extremely simple operation, especially if you have a TV that directly supports the service. However, even if this is not the case, you still have several possibilities at your disposal.

In short, if you can’t wait to read the contents offered by Discovery + on your TV, you can continue reading the tutorial: below are all the quick indications of the case. Having said that, there is nothing left for me to do, except wish you good reading and, above all, good viewing!


  • How to watch Discovery + on Smart TV
    • How to watch Discovery + on Android Smart TV
    • How to watch Discovery + on Samsung Smart TVs
    • How to watch Discovery + on LG Smart TVs
  • How to watch Discovery + on other TVs

How to watch Discovery + on Smart TV

Before actually explaining how to watch Discovery + on Smart TV , it is good to make some clarifications. In fact, you must know that the service application cannot be installed directly on all Smart TVs, but only on Android TV and Samsung Smart TVs .

Put simply, the official Discovery + app (at least as of this writing) can only be found on the Android and Tizen operating systems . I will therefore focus on these platforms, but later I will also provide you with information relating to other TVs , because the possibilities in this sense are not lacking.

How to watch Discovery + on Android Smart TV

If you have a good quality Android TV or Android TV Box with the appropriate certifications, taking advantage of the service offered by Discovery + is a breeze. In fact, it is enough to simply go to the Play Store , which is the official Google store pre-installed on devices with the Android operating system. The minimum supported version is Android 7.0 . To be clear, among the main brands that have focused on Android TVs we find Sony , Philips , TCL and Xiaomi (there are also many other brands, but these are the main ones for Italy).

In any case, you must have connected the model to the Internet before you can proceed . You’ve probably done it all already, as you have a Smart TV, but it refreshes your memory in case you need it. To connect the Android TV to the network , usually just press the Settings button on the remote control, go to Settings> Wireless and networks , press the right arrow button on the remote control and select an item between Wired and Wi-Fi , depending on the connection to use.

Later, in the case of wireless connection, you have to choose the Connect to network item and finally the Wireless one . You will therefore be prompted to select the name of the Wi-Fi network you want to connect to and to type in the access key , confirming with the OK button .

If you have chosen to proceed via Ethernet cable , you will simply be asked to press the OK button to connect. Otherwise, the procedure may vary slightly depending on the TV model you have, but you shouldn’t have too much trouble doing this. By the way, if in doubt you can refer to my tutorial on how to connect the TV to the Internet .

At this point, all you have to do is press the Home button on the remote control (the one with the house icon) and start the Play Store (the shopping bag icon). If you do not see the icon of the latter, you may want to first press on the app menu (it should be represented by the icon of four squares ), then on the All app option and, in the page that appears on the screen, select the Play Store . Everything obviously varies depending on the TV at your disposal, but don’t worry: at most, just press a few more buttons to find the official Google digital store.

For the rest, if this is the first time you download applications through your Smart TV, you will be prompted to log in to your Google account or, if you don’t have one yet, to create it by choosing the appropriate option on the screen. and following the instructions given to you. Subsequently, you may also be asked to set your preferences for the payment method to use for apps and games: if you want, you can optionally choose to skip the step, so as not to enter any payment method. If you need more guidance, you can take a look at my guide on how to activate the Play Store .

Now that you are in the Play Store , you just have to take advantage of the search function (via the magnifying glass icon , located at the top left) and search for “discovery” in the appropriate field that appears on the screen. Then select the box relating to the app and proceed with the download of the latter by pressing the Install button . Put simply, just go through the classic app installation procedure on Android .

Perfect, now the Discovery + application will be installed and you can find it in the app menu (or in any case on the Home screen ). Once the application is launched, you will be greeted by the convenient main page (you may be prompted to log in or register for an account , but there is usually the Skip option as well ). In any case, net of the possible differences related to the version of the app, the operation of Discovery + on Android Smart TVs is extremely intuitive.

The main screen of the app has in fact the special quick buttons to access Home , Channels , Programs and Sports , as well as the section to possibly manage the account (the latter is used to watch the contents that require the subscription to Discovery + , proposed from 3.99 euros per month for the Entertainment package. More details here ).

In any case, if you want to watch a live channel or an on-demand program available for free, all you have to do, once you have browsed through the various sections and found what is of interest to you, is to select the appropriate box and enjoy the vision.

The player simply allows you to pause the content and possibly “scroll” . In short, there is nothing complex: now you can safely view the contents of Discovery + on your Android TV.

How to watch Discovery + on Samsung Smart TVs

How do you say? Do you have a Samsung Smart TV ? Perfect, then you can access the contents offered by Discovery + in a very simple way . In fact, the official application of the service is available directly on the official Samsung store linked to the Tizen operating system . The minimum supported version is Tizen 3.0 (2017) .

Put simply, the procedure differs very little from the one I illustrated in the chapter dedicated to Android TV . In fact, once the TV is connected to the Internet , you just need to search for the Discovery + app on the official store , download it and start using it (obviously, as you can well imagine, the methods of use are extremely similar to those related to Android, which is why which I will not illustrate the latter again).

In any case, to connect a Samsung Smart TV to a Wi-Fi network, generally just press the Menu button on the remote control and follow the path Network> Network settings> Wireless , then choosing the name of the Wi-Fi network involved, entering the essential password and confirming everything using the Done option . Going instead for an Ethernet cable , all you have to do once you reach the Network Settings page is to select the Cable option. Obviously, the procedure can change slightly depending on the TV model you have, but you shouldn’t have too many problems and you can always refer to my guide on how to connect your Samsung TV to the Internet if in doubt.

For the rest, downloading the Discovery + application is child’s play: generally just go to the application menu of your Smart TV by pressing the Home or Smart Hub button on the remote control (usually referring to a house icon) and, on the page that appears on the screen, select the search command (the magnifying glass icon).

At this point, you just need to search for “discovery +” : once you have found the application , select it and proceed with its installation by pressing the Install / Download button . Wait, therefore, for the download to complete and press the Open button to start using Discovery + .

I avoid repeating the features available on Smart TV here, but I remind you that you can possibly refer to what was previously indicated in the guide for what concerns the interface.

How to watch Discovery + on LG Smart TVs

The Smart TV from LG are particularly widespread and thus are not a few who want to inspect the contents of Discovery + from webOS operating system , integrated in this type of TV.

However, unfortunately, currently the LG Content Store does not officially present the Discovery + app and proceeding through the browser often leads to nothing (and in any case it is not recommended). This means you have to go through other methods, other than those I have indicated in the chapters related to the Smart TV Android and Smart TV Samsung .

However, this does not mean that it is not actually possible to enjoy Discovery + from LG Smart TVs . In fact, there is actually a very convenient procedure to succeed in this intent anyway. To be clear, you can easily go for HbbTV (Hybrid Broadcast Broadband TV) services, which is a “hybrid” technology between digital terrestrial and Internet .

How does it all work in practice? Simple, just reach with the remote control one of the classic channels linked to Discovery, for example NINE (channel 9 of digital terrestrial) and after a few seconds you will see, generally at the bottom left, a box that invites you to press the up arrow to be able to access Discovery +.

Therefore, you just have to do what is requested, or press the appropriate button, in order to make a page appear on the screen very similar to the classic Discovery + app for Smart TV . To be clear, on the left you will find all the sections , namely Home , Programs , Channels , Sports and Login (for managing the account in relation to the contents that require a subscription), as well as the Search functionality .

It all works in a very simple way: you just have to press on the box of the content of your interest to start playing. There may be some advertisements, but then you will access the simple player which allows you to pause or “scroll” the content . In short, there is nothing complex: thanks to HbbTV services, enjoying the contents of Discovery + has become a breeze even on LG Smart TVs.

The only aspect that you have to take into consideration is the fact that you have not installed anything on your TV : you will therefore have to press the Exit button on the remote control to exit the Discovery + screen and you will not find anything in the classic “bar” dedicated to applications. To access the contents of Discovery + in this way, you will therefore always have to “reach” a channel like NINE and press the up arrow . In any case, it is not a question of anything transcendental.

How to watch Discovery + on other TVs

If you have a Smart TV that does not meet the requirements mentioned in the previous chapters and you have already tried without too much luck to follow the procedure via HbbTV that I explained in the chapter on LG Smart TVs , there are other paths you can think of taking . In fact, even if you have a non-smart TV , you can think of connecting smart devices to it .

More precisely, in this context it is probably good to focus on an Amazon Fire TV Stick . To be clear, it is a “key” to be connected to the HDMI port of the TV to access various smart contents. Why am I referring you to Amazon’s proposal? Simple, the latter integrates a digital store that also features the official Discovery + application .

Put simply, once you have connected the Fire TV Stick to the TV and done the configuration , just select the Discovery + box (or search for the app using the search function) and press the Receive button . By doing so, the app installation will start and you can then open it using the appropriate icon on the Home screen . For the rest, the use of the app is very similar to what I indicated in the chapter on Android TV. In short, passing through a device of this type you can easily take a look at the contents of Discovery + even without having a basic smart TV.

Interesting, right? In any case, before proceeding to purchase a “key” of this type, I strongly suggest you deepen my tutorial on how the Amazon Fire TV Stick works , where you can explore the various models available on the market and understand which one is right for you, as well as better understand how to set everything up and how to install apps on the Fire TV Stick .

Always Amazon also offers Fire TV Cube , which stands as a hybrid between Fire TV Stick with 4K support and an Amazon Echo speaker .


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For the rest, I remind you that there are also Google’s HDMI dongle called Chromecast , available in Full HD version for sending content from the mobile app and in 4K version with Google TV with dedicated store and remote control, and Apple TV , the box Apple multimedia available in HD and 4K versions: both are excellent solutions for viewing Discovery + content on TV, as also indicated in the official guidelines of the service .


  • Google Chromecast, Anthracite Gray, Start Streaming
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  • 2021 Apple TV HD (32GB)
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  • 2021 Apple TV 4K (32GB)
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In short, now you are aware of all the possibilities available to see Discovery + on your TV. In any case, if you are interested in learning more about the subject in general, you can take a look at my tutorial on how to use Discovery + , in which I also delved into the mobile app . For the rest, if you want to proceed, for example, from a PC , you may also be interested in consulting my guide on how to watch TV in streaming , since I have explored the official websites of a bit of all the main Italian television broadcasters (c ‘ is also a chapter on Discovery +).