How to view purchase history on Wallapop

If we buy often on Wallapop , it is possible that at some point we do not remember a purchase that we have made or that we need to look at some detail of one of them. In that case, it can be very useful to know how to see the purchase history on Wallapop to have a list that clears up any doubts.

This process is quite simple, and we can do it both from the app and from the Wallapop website . The first thing we will have to do, if we have not already done so, is to log in with the account with which we have made the purchases.

Next we will have to click on the You icon , which we will quickly find because it has our profile picture. This will take us to our personal menu.

In this menu, we can see how one of the options that appears is Purchases . That is where we will have to press to be able to see all the objects that we have bought with that Wallapop account, so that we can keep track.

The purchase history will appear in reverse chronological order , that is, the purchases that we have made most recently will appear first and then the oldest. You will be able to see both the purchases that are currently in process and those that have already been completed and you have the product at home.

How to delete purchase history on Wallapop

If you have bought something and you do not want other people who can access your account to find out, you will want to know how to delete the purchase history in Wallapop .

This can be very useful, for example, when we want to buy someone a gift and we do not want them to be able to see it later, or when we are going to buy something more private. However, Wallapop does not have this possibility . Once you’ve purchased a product, it stays in your account forever.

The only way to buy secretly on Wallapop is to agree with the seller .

If you chat with the seller and close the purchase by means other than the purchase-sale app itself, you will be able to delete the messages later and leave no trace.

But knowing that having a Wallapop account is totally free, probably the best option when we want to buy something in private is to open a secondary account . In this way, we can ensure that the person who has access to our account but we do not want them to see our purchases cannot see what we have done from a different profile.

How to review my products on Wallapop

If what you want is to see what you have sold, you may be wondering how to review my products on Wallapop .

The process is very similar to the one we have followed to view the purchase history. In the Wallapop app or website, you will have to enter You. In the menu that will appear, you will see that there is one called Products . There you will be able to see a list with all the products that you have published on Wallapop, both those that you have already sold and those that are still waiting to find a second home.

You will also be able to access statistics about the best-selling products and how many people see them.

Of course, in the event that you have published an ad to sell a product and later regret it or sell it by another means, you can remove the ad to prevent other people from calling you. We recommend that you make sure that you have done it right to avoid constantly receiving calls or notifications about a product that you no longer want to sell.

In Wallapop, as in any second-hand sales platform , you have total control over what you are willing to sell and to whom, to avoid problems.