How to use used motor oil for heating

Used oil comes from any internal combustion engine. The biggest problem with this one is what to do with it. Most vehicle oil change locations dispose of used oil for free or you can even recycle the oil yourself. Converting used oil into fuel to heat a building is not a complex process. Oil-burning ovens generate intense heat that heats large areas. Used oil should not be converted so that you can use it in your heating as normal fuel. The furnace, however, does require changes in order to burn the used oil.

Turn your current oven into a used oil burner. Used oil is thicker than regular heating oil. To convert your heating system it is necessary that the oil is filtered and heated before putting it in the oven. Kits to carry out the conversion will cost a few hundred dollars, but you will save money later, since you can use existing materials and fuel.

Build a used oil heater. The MOTHER”S Waste Oil Heater comes with a kit with step-by-step instructions on how you can convert a discarded electric water heater into a used oil furnace. You will need some tools and time. The company notes that costs are generally low, around $ 36, and plans are offered to pay online.

Buy a used oil heater. Some companies like Alternate Heating offer heating equipment and heaters that use alternative fuels like used motor oil. Although it is the most expensive option, when you buy a new heater you will also get a guarantee for the services.


Most used oil heaters can burn other alternative fuels as well as standard oil.


Used oil releases intense heat when burned. Using this oil in a standard heater can damage the system and cause a fire hazard.


by Abdullah Sam
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