How to use the Pi function in a Microsoft Excel document

Excel is one of the most useful applications in the field of office automation. This tool allows you to use formulas and functions to obtain calculations quickly. Because of this, you may want to know how to use the Pi function in a Microsoft Excel document. In this regard, in this tutorial we show you the best tips and uses of this program .

Index( )

  1. What should we take into account before using the Pi function in Excel?
    1. It will always take the same value
    2. No operations can be done with this value
  2. What is the procedure to put the Pi function in my spreadsheet?
  3. What uses can we give to the Pi function in our Excel document?
    1. Calculation of areas
    2. cylindrical volume
    3. For the standard deviation
    4. Determine the km traveled
    5. Auxiliary for construction

What should we take into account before using the Pi function in Excel?

There are certain aspects that we must take into account before using the Pi function in Excel. First of all, such a function will always take the same constant value no matter what calculation is applied in the spreadsheet. In addition, it is important to note that we can do any type of operation with this value.

It will always take the same value

The Pi function will always take the same constant value in Microsoft Excel. So no matter what formula you insert into your spreadsheet, the Pi function will take care of returning the corresponding mathematical constant. This value is widely used to perform equations, calculate areas of figures and apply certain particular functions.

No operations can be done with this value

It should be noted that no operations can be done with this value if the symbol π is inserted in Excel. However, you will be able to do any operation, be it adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing the value of Pi with another element if you use the PI function. An element can be added directly or by using a cell reference.

What is the procedure to put the Pi function in my spreadsheet?

The procedure to put the Pi function in an Excel spreadsheet is very simple. First, open the Microsoft Excel application from the start menu or by using the Windows search box. Then place the cursor in an empty cell. There, type =PI() and press ‘Enter’. Immediately, you will see the constant value that corresponds to Pi.

You can perform any type of operation with the value Pi. For example, if you want to add a number to the constant value of the function, type = Pi () + data. Replace ‘data’ with the number you want to add to Pi. It is even possible to extract the number or data by adding cell references .

Also, you can access the value of Pi from the Excel formula wizard . To do this, place your cursor in an empty cell and click on the ‘fx’. Then, select the category ‘Mathematics and trigonometrics’. Choose the PI function and press the ‘OK’ button to display the value of pi in the cell.

What uses can we give to the Pi function in our Excel document?

We can use the PI function in our Excel document for different purposes. The value of Pi is useful for calculating areas and volumes , obtaining the standard deviation, determining a distance traveled or as an auxiliary element for the construction of structures.

Calculation of areas

In general, the value of Pi is widely used to calculate the areas of geometric surfaces such as cylinders or circles. For example, you can find the area of ​​one side of a cylinder if its radius is 3 cm. To achieve this, place the cursor in an empty cell. Then, type = 2*PI ()*3*6 and press ‘Enter’.

cylindrical volume

Similarly, it is possible to obtain the cylindrical volume by using the Pi function. Suppose the radius value is in cell A1 and you want to see the result in cell B1. Click on cell B1 and type =PI()*POWER(A1;2)*A1*2 and press ‘Enter’. A1*2 corresponds to the height ‘h’ of the cylinder.

For the standard deviation

In Statistics, the value of Pi is used to obtain the variance. For its part, the standard deviation is a measure that allows us to know how dispersed or varied a series of data is with respect to the mean. Fortunately, Excel has a function called STDEV.M that allows you to add a range of data to calculate the standard deviation of a sample.

Determine the km traveled

We can use the value of Pi to determine the km traveled or the distance between two points. Knowing the coordinates of the origin point and a point on a circle, it is possible to use the distance formula: d = √(X2-X1)2 + (Y2-Y1)2. The values ​​of each axis are substituted and in this way the km traveled are obtained. This value is the radius of the circle.

Auxiliary for construction

The value of Pi is essential for multiple calculations. It even serves as an aid for construction. It is well known that civil engineers and their project team require this constant value for pipeline construction. Similarly, the Pi value is very useful for the construction of resistant and durable buildings.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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