How to use the AMOUNT.REEIVED function syntax in Excel

Using the AMOUNT.RECEIVED function syntax allows the manipulation of certain parameters such as the date a security was acquired, an investment amount, and a method or basis for counting days. In this sense, we recommend that you read this article with which you will learn how to use the syntax of the AMOUNT.RECIDED function in Excel

Index(  )

  1. What is the AMOUNT RECEIVED function?
  2. How to use the AMOUNT.REEIVED function syntax in Excel

What is the AMOUNT RECEIVED function?

The AMOUNT RECEIVED function is an Excel financial tool that allows you to calculate the amount that has been received relative to the value of a fully invested investment that was acquired on a specific date.

Like this function, it is recommended that you learn how to use all the Excel formulas in order to get the most out of this office tool.

What is the syntax of the QUANTITY.RECIDED function?

The AMOUNT RECEIVED function syntax includes five arguments : settlement, expiration, investment, discount, and the days count method.

How to use the AMOUNT.REEIVED function syntax in Excel

In order to correctly use the syntax of the AMOUNT RECEIVED function in Excel, it is necessary that you know how each of the arguments of this function works and what each one means. In addition, you will see through an example how you can apply this tool in your financial operations.

What do the arguments of the function AMOUNT.RECIFIED mean?

The first argument is the liquidation. This refers to the settlement date of the security or when the security is delivered to the buyer. Maturity is the end date of the security when it can be redeemed at par or nominal. It is important to note that both settlement and expiration are date format arguments .

On the other hand, the investment is the amount that has been invested, the discount is a rate of the value in which an investment was applied , while the method of counting the days refers to an indicator that goes from the value 0 (default ) through the 4th (a 30-day month and a 360-day year).

What are the day counting methods?

In Excel, one of five methods of counting days can be used . The first of them whose value is 0 refers to months of 30 days and years of 360 days, making an adjustment in the dates that fall at the end of the month. On the other hand, the value 1 means that the method is real / real, that is, the real number of days and the specific dates.

The value 2 refers to the actual / 360 method, that is, the actual number of days and the specified dates based on 360 days. The value 3 is the real / 365 method and finally the value 4 means that the 30/360 method will be applied.

Are all the arguments required?

The AMOUNT.RECEIVED function requires four required arguments : settlement, maturity, investment, and discount. While the base value is optional and refers to the base or the method to count the days.

Uses the syntax of the AMOUNT RECEIVED function.

Assuming that we have the settlement or issuance date of March 17, 2020, the expiration date is June 17, 2020, the investment value is $ 800,000.00, the percentage or discount rate is 5% and the base is 2 (real / 360)

Based on this information, you can enter these values ​​in an Excel spreadsheet and proceed to apply the formula to execute the AMOUNT.RECIDED function. Remember that you can also make pivot tables in Excel with graphics if you need to use these tools.

Applies the function syntax RECEIVED AMOUNT.

To apply the syntax of the AMOUNT.RECIDED function you must place the cursor in a specific cell where the corresponding result will be saved. To do this, type in the formula bar at the top of the Microsoft Excel application window right next to “fx”:

= AMOUNT RECEIVED (the cell that contains the settlement date; the cell that includes the expiration date; the cell where you entered the investment value; the discount rate cell; the base or method cell) and press Enter. You can also use the VLOOKUP function if you have a long list of data spread over two tables.


by Abdullah Sam
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