How to use italics, bold, strikethrough and underline on Instagram

Instagram hides several secrets and among them is the possibility of being able to write text in italics, bold, crossed out and underlined . This option has a small print and it is not a native option in Instagram as it happens in WhatsApp, but it requires an external app to be able to write in italics, bold, strikethrough, underlined and a thousand other fonts .

We have mentioned WhatsApp not only because it is under the Facebook umbrella, like Instagram, but because one of the apps that we are going to detail below we already used a few months ago with WhatsApp and it worked perfectly.

How to see the posts you liked on Instagram

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Stylish Text

A well-known app to change the font in different applications. We did the WhatsApp test with Stylish Text a few months ago, and everything went perfect.

Now, with Instagram, history repeats itself and works well again. To use Stylish Text on Instagram, we must follow these steps:

  • We download the app and open it. We pass all the texts that appear to us and we arrive at the main screen.
  • Now we can dive among all theletter fonts that the app provides us.
  1. To write with a different font, we must enter the app we want and write the text, then select it and choose the Stylish Tex option.
  1. Next, we choose the font we wantand send the message.
  2. Conversation participants will see the font change, even if they don’t have the app installed.

There is a very curious thing about Stylish Text, and it is that it is not only used to write text in chat apps, but we can also use it to give a special touch to the biographies of social networks .

  1. Download Stylish Text for Android
  2. Download Stylish Text for iOS


An app somewhat more intrusive than the previous one , since the other is not a keyboard, therefore, it does not register what we type, however, Fonts does register everything we type . In fact, when they open it, they clearly notify us.

Fonts is a very simple free app without annoying advertising, since it is a keyboard that we can enable or disable at will.

To use this app you have to follow the following steps:

  1. We download the app and open, accept the permission and indicate that we want it to be our default keyboard.
  2. We go to Instagram, or to the app where we want to write, we open the keyboard, choose the fontand write normally.
  3. We must recognize that it is a very comfortable and fluid keyboard, but we must bear in mind that it collects information and records everything we write.
  4. We can choose between emojis, icons, symbols, dozens of different fonts, etc.
  5. Once we have written what we want, we send normally and the rest of the interlocutors will see the font changes, even if they do not have the same keyboard as us.
  6. Download Font for Android
  7. Download Font for iOS

These are the two ways to change the letter on Instagram, as we see there are a thousand fonts waiting to be used by us in our Instagram direct messages. And not only there, but in other messaging applications and to give a special touch to the biographies of social networks.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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