How to use ChatGPT for social selling

After the public release of ChatGPT, the Internet exploded with articles with examples and cases of its possible application in various industries. The field of social selling is directly related to content creation, so it is clear that ChatGPT can be a useful tool here as well.

We spoke with the pioneer of social selling in Russia – Olga Bondareva , founder and CEO of ModumUp, and asked her to talk about the key aspects of using AI to work with building and promoting an expert image in social networks.

We generate a strategy

The social selling method begins with the development of a strategy that includes:

  • goals and objectives of the project;
  • definition of the target audience and its segments;
  • analysis of expert profiles in social networks;
  • positioning and tone of voice of the expert;
  • content plan and post ideas;
  • mechanics of networking and lead generation through a personal profile in social networks.

How should queries to a chatbot look like if the output is to get a formulated positioning of an expert?

Olga Bondareva, CEO ModumUp: 

“You can ask ChatGPT to prepare the positioning of an expert in social networks. For example, on LinkedIn. It is important to indicate as many details about the expert as possible: position, company, previous experience that needs to be highlighted, interests, education, etc.

Here’s what an example of such a request to a chatbot might look like:

“Create LinkedIn positioning for me. I’m a Founder at ModumUp Social Selling Agency. Previously I worked at Microsoft and was responsible for social media and employee advocacy project. Also, I’m passioned about AI and neural interfaces”


This way ChatGPT will offer you a positioning that you can broadcast on social networks and create a profile header (headline) and summary based on it, which you can use in the About section of your profile.

You can separately request to generate several heading options and choose the one that is closer to you or combine your own.

Sample request:
Sreate LinkedIn headline based on this structure:

  • Position at Company – short description or keywords, regalia
  • Don’t use this symbol |
  • Mention my previous experience at the end

Information about me:

I’m a Founder at ModumUp Social Selling Agency. Previously I worked at Microsoft and was responsible for social media and employee advocacy projects. Also, I’m passioned about AI and neural interfaces»

As for the About section, here you can set what tone of voice it should be in, what other information to add, ask to insert a call-to-action at the end, etc.

We create a detailed portrait of the target audience

ChatGPT can help generate a portrait of the target audience with the tasks and problems of each segment. Here is an example of such a request:

«Describe my target audience and mention their pain points which my service can solve: 

Target audience: marketers and marketing directors in large and medium IT companies

My service: Social Selling agency for B2B companies».

You can set positions, industries, location of your target audience and other parameters, and ChatGPT will give you information to think about, which you can later use in chat scripts and as ideas for preparing content.

Creating content for social selling

The development of a content plan and the creation of topics for posts can also be entrusted to a chat bot. In order to get the most relevant ideas from the neural network, he needs to be given as many inputs as possible, for example, information about the target audience and about his product or service.

  1. Preparation of a content plan, generation of post ideas

With ChatGPT, you can easily prepare a content plan for a specific person’s LinkedIn profile. To do this, you need to describe the professional and personal details that the expert is willing to share, and ChatGPT will generate content referrals. Then you can ask: “Please prepare specific topics for posts based on the plan you suggested.” And you will get topics and ideas for posts.

Not all topics from the neural network will be relevant to you, you need to carefully check them and choose what suits you.

  1. Content generation from scratch

You can ask ChatGPT to create a post based on one of the topics it suggests. This tool can also pick up hashtags and advise you on the best visual to add to your post. You can then generate the picture itself in Midjourney using the description from ChatGPT.

  1. Translation of posts into English

If you write, for example, in Russian, you can quite easily start creating content in English in the style of a native speaker. To do this, you can ask ChatGPT to translate the post into English, and then proofread this text. He translates and improves texts very well, but it is important to check them and, if you do not know English, do a reverse translation into Russian in order to understand if the meaning has not been distorted during translation.

We use ChatGPT to communicate with the target audience

ChatGPT can be used for target audience engagement and lead generation. Here, the neural network provides excellent opportunities for quick personalization.

Here are the possible scenarios.

  1. Scripts for correspondence with personalization by industry, position or other parameters

You can ask ChatGPT to generate a LinkedIn outreach script for you according to the given parameters. You can talk about your product or service, describe your target audience, and give other details.

Please note that the more general request you formulate, the more meaningless script is generated. Let’s get specific.

Request example:

Create a script for LinkedIn outreach with lead generation purposes. Make it casual. Remove phrases like “I noticed”, “I hope” and “I came across”.

My service: Social Selling services for B2B lead generation, for top managers’ personal brands’ building, for employee advocacy on social media

My target audience: marketing directors and marketing managers from large and medium IT companies


  1. Scripts for correspondence with personalization for a specific person with whom you are in dialogue

Here’s what a task for a chatbot might look like:

“Create a LinkedIn message for David, an experienced finance leader driving innovation at fintech company, based on David’s post:

Will AI help the modern financial sales force or hurt it ? Will it cause dramatic change or simply be another tool in the box? Is it already being used? I asked a reliable source for their opinion. #salesforce #ai #change #help

About me: I’m a founder of a social selling agency

Remove phrases like “I noticed”, “I hope” and “I came across” from the message”.

You can also personalize messages by the About, Experience or Headline section of your profile.

As a result, you will get a personalized message with a networking or lead generation message.

  1. Replies to messages or comments on social networks 

Here you can send to ChatGPT the message that you received, or even the entire correspondence, and ask to generate a response. If necessary, specify the message of the answer (for example, refusal or agreement), its tone of voice, or give other details to create a better version of the answer. Of course, the result should correspond to what you would like to answer. To do this, you can refine the request and specify more specific input.

Similarly, you can use ChatGPT to comment on or reply to posts.

Olga Bondareva, CEO ModumUp:

“This is how such a request to the bot might look like: “Create comment for this post: POST TEXT”, and also set the parameters of this comment. For example, a positive and supportive comment, a sarcastic comment. A comment where you disagree with the author or the like.”

Generate multiple solutions to the same problem. This will help you choose the best version or combine several options and get your own unique text.

Instead of a summary

AI is a useful tool that gets better and better from release to release. However, this is not a silver bullet, you cannot just press a button and get the finished result. You need to know how to use this tool correctly. For this you need:

  1. Competently compose requests for ChatGPT. Clearly formulate the task, supply the bot with the most detailed and relevant information.
  2. Work with a pool of answers, from which you can choose the most suitable option or compose your own unique text.
  3. Personalize and customize the responses you receive with your content and editing.
  4. Remember that social selling is primarily about a living person, his emotions and experience. Give this information to the chat so that the content remains sincere and interesting to the audience.


Olga Bondareva, CEO ModumUp:    

“Neural networks can greatly simplify your life and make you more productive in terms of social selling activities. However, if you rely on ChatGPT to do everything for you, you will get very poor quality results. You need to be able to create relevant queries for the chatbot, give additional details, apply the skills of editing received texts, creativity and logic. Social selling is, first of all, a living human experience of specific experts, which cannot be replaced by general knowledge from the Internet.

And most importantly, remember that working with AI is always co-creation. Give more information, ask additional questions, ask for changes or additions to the answer. And after 5-6 iterations, you will get the desired result.