How to use an intercept on Scarlet Nexus

Intercepting in Scarlet Nexus is a satisfying move to make after making a perfect dodge. Using this special attack, one can throw the object at an enemy. If you want to know how interception can be used to destroy the enemy, read this article to the end. We will show you how to use an intercept on Scarlet Nexus and how you can use it to complete the Counter Research side quest.

  • How to use an intercept on Scarlet Nexus
  • Counter Research side mission
  • Where to Find Counter Research Subsearch
  • How to start Counter Research Side Quest
  • Collect pound of cushion
  • Intercept projectiles
  • Use SAS clairvoyance

How to use an intercept on Scarlet Nexus

To use Intercept on Scarlet Nexus, perform a perfect dodge and then press RT or R2. For perfect dodge, press the dodge button when the enemy approaches you. If you’ve done everything perfectly, time will slow down and you’ll be able to deal damage without losing health.

So one only needs to have a good time to launch an effective attack against the enemy. As soon as you notice an object approaching you, just press the dodge button followed by the RT or R2 buttons to return the object to the enemy. The better you get the perfect dodge; the better the interception move. To obtain a perfect dodge in the most effective way, players can use SAS clairvoyance.

Counter Research side mission

Now, we will mention the location of the mission, the requirements and the rewards that can be obtained from this mission. Here is some useful information for the mission.

Where to Find Counter Research Subsearch

Here is a marked image showing the exact location where players can find the mission.

How to start Counter Research Side Quest

The quest may be available during Waiting Phase 9 and you must play as Yuito to take advantage of this quest. The best place to complete this quest is the Supernatural Life Research Facility, the Museum Ruins.

Collect pound of cushion

Players must first collect two British pounds in Counter Research from the location shown in the image marked below.

Intercept projectiles

Second, you must intercept the projectiles. Use the same method as described above, just dodge the projectile coming from the enemy and then press the R2 or RT button.

Use SAS clairvoyance

This helps you perfectly dodge projectiles as mentioned above, so use it to easily run Intercept.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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