How to upgrade the Ice Staff in Black Ops 6

This guide is focused on following the steps to get the ice staff upgrade , so if what you want to know is how you can get the pieces, we leave this other guide here so you have it on hand before continuing with this one , since it is the second essential step of the easter egg.

Extinguish the Torches with the Ice Staff.

Once we have built the Ice Staff, we will have to place three purple torches in such a way that we have time to extinguish them in a maximum of ten seconds . The location of these will not matter as long as you have time to complete the step. When you achieve this, a voice dialogue from Archibal will be played , so the first step will be completed.

If you are playing in co-op mode and more players have the baton, you can help each other put them out.

Shoot the Stones with Runes.

Once you’ve completed the previous step, we’ll need to head to the Dark Aether and look at the stones that are levitating above us. If you look closely, there are some that have a purple symbol . The goal will be to find three stones and shoot them right at the symbol so that they start to go down and we can identify them better so we can target them.

Now that you have written them down, you will have to find which portal has closed , then go back to the other side and open it again. In this case, you will have to shoot the three symbols with the staff, regardless of the order .

The last step you need to take to upgrade the ice staff is to enter the portal you just opened. You will see a purple orb , which you will have to accompany for a certain amount of time, clearing the waves of enemies it summons without moving too far away from it until it reaches the ritual where you made it. Once you have done this, you will get the upgrade.


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