How to upgrade my Raspberry pi to Raspbian Buster version without losing my data?

Raspberry pi are a series of compact computers developed under low power technology. However, they are constantly updated, given this is known as updating your Raspberry pi to the Raspbian Buster version without losing your data.

Raspberry pi mini computers come with specialized software for them, which is called Raspbian. This is based on Debian, being considered a free use operating system with two variants, one with a graphical environment and the other without it for more advanced users in programming.

It is similar to the versions of Microsoft’s Windows operating system and even competes with all versions of the Linux system and its features.

Raspbian buster

The creators of the Raspberry computer and the Raspbian operating system have developed the new one . This can be installed in any model of the devices of this brand, thus improving performance exponentially. Due to this updating your Raspberry pi to the Raspbian Buster version without losing your data is essential.

In turn, in case of not wanting the update, it is possible to stop them as in the case of blocking automatic updates in Windows 10.

In addition, it offers improvements and benefits throughout the operating system. It should be noted that its output also has to do with the new Debian 10 version. This operating system has its launch around Raspberry 4.

Since it improves the performance of all previous Raspberry models, many users have made this update. However, some make the mistake of performing a clean install by erasing all the data. As this may not be in the general interest of users, there is an efficient method of applying the update without losing files.


Steps to update your Raspberry pi to the Raspbian Buster version without losing your data

The update process is similar to that of other Linux-based software such as Debian. So it will not be complex to update your Raspberry pi to the Raspbian Buster version without losing your data.

The first step consists of accessing the Raspberry device, it can be physically or remotely through an SSH protocol that allows the management of the computer through the network. The next thing is to run the terminal to perform a series of commands and begin the update of the operating system without erasing any data.

In the terminal you must enter the command “sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade” and restart by applying the command “sudo reboot”. This will cause the modifications made with the first action to take effect.

Once the device is turned on again, the next step will be to modify the operating system sources by opening the address “/etc/apt/sources.list” . To open the previous address, enter the following text “sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list” in the command terminal and apply.

When the element is open, each word ” Stretch ” should be replaced by ” Buster ” in the previously opened text. After this process, you must save the modifications and close the file.

After completing these steps, the following will be to run the terminal again, place and apply the command “sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade”.

With this, the device will begin to update the system data and install all the files necessary to apply the Raspbian Buster update. Because it is the update of an operating system this process will take time. It is advisable to be patient and maintain the computer’s internet connection to prevent failures.

Once this process is finished, all that remains is to restart the computer so that the latest actions developed will be applied. When the computer starts up, the latest Raspbian Buster update will be available without losing a single data.

To finish and be sure of its successful installation, you can verify the software version by opening the command terminal and entering the following “Cat / etc / * – release”. Thus culminating the whole process to update your Raspberry pi to the Raspbian Buster version without losing your data.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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