How to update Instagram for iPhone

After Instagram had several errors with stories, perhaps preventing the world from showing how iOS 16 is capable of cropping images , many users wonder how to update Instagram for iPhone to the latest version available . Something that may have already happened automatically, but that we can verify or carry out manually ourselves.

There are several reasons that can lead us to want to update Instagram. Facebook recently fixed a bug with Stories repeating over and over again . Given this situation, while we waited for the update with the solution of the error , the App Store was the way to verify its arrival.

Update Instagram on the iPhone: steps to take

On our iPhone, the system takes care of installing updates automatically. This system, however, can take a few hours between when Facebook publishes the update and when it is installed. Thus, if we want both to verify that we have the latest available version installed and to update it manually, we will follow these steps:

  1. We open the App Storeapp on our iPhone or iPad.
  2. We touch our photo in the upper right part of the screen.
  3. From the central part of the screen we drag down, as if wanting to go higher, to reload the available updates.
  4. At the bottom we tap Update All.

Right under Update all we will find the list of applications that are going to be updated . If Instagram is not among them, it is because we already have the latest version that Facebook has published. If it appears, we just have to wait for the system to download the new version and install it.

How to download videos from Instagram on the iPhone in three different ways very quickly

When this has happened we will see a small blue dot before the name “Instagram” on the home screen. With this we will know that the app has been updated since the last time we opened it. An update that happens automatically, but that, to fix bugs, we may want to check manually before, perhaps downloading any Instagram video to the iPhone directly and without needing a Mac .