How To Unsubscribe From Facebook

How To Unsubscribe From Facebook.Every time we post something on the internet, we leave a trace. Even if we delete what we have published, that track can stay on the web forever. For this reason, permanently unsubscribing from Facebook can be a long and frustrating operation. Also, even if we don’t pay, we’re actually Facebook customers. So the most famous social network in the world is not at all happy to lose us and certainly will not help us to leave.

The decision to delete your Facebook account may be due to several reasons: maybe you signed up for fun or because all your friends used this social network but now you no longer intend to continue posting on your profile. Until now, however, not knowing how to do it or perhaps thinking that the procedure could be too complicated, you have always given up or postponed the deletion of your Facebook account. Don’t worry, contrary to what you might think, deleting your Facebook profile following our guide will only take a few minutes from you !

For you who have decided to say goodbye to Mr. Zuckerberg, in fact, we have thought of a simple guide that shows you in a few steps how to unsubscribe from Facebook , without running the risk that your profile or your data will continue to be on the web. Also if you want to think about it a little longer, you can simply suspend your account, putting it in “hibernation” and then cancel it in the future if you like. Facebook also offers you this possibility, so take a few minutes to calmly read our guide to deleting your Facebook account and understand what you are getting into. Before going into specifics I want to remind you that you cannot delete the Facebook account without email and password, but to complete the operation you will need to log in and complete the process within your account.

Read also | How to recover Facebook password

Preliminary operations on your Facebook data

If you have really decided to remove yourself from Facebook and want to permanently delete the account, know that you should pay attention to some preliminary operations to make sure that no trace is left on the platform and on the internet of your profile!

For example, unsubscribing from this social network, first of all, will result in the loss of all data entered up to the time of deletion. I’m talking to you about numerous posts, photos, albums, videos and other content that over the years have seen you involved in the community . For this reason, before discovering how to unsubscribe from Facebook, we recommend that you perform two operations :

  • Backup your Facebook profile ;
  • Remove the data entered manually in the Facebook profile.

After following the procedure described in point one in the article dedicated to backup, you can start deleting your data . Start with your personal information: click on the “Edit Profile” button on your cover image to open a window with contact information, such as bio, job, education, featured photo, etc. Remove the data you want to delete from the panel. Don’t forget to also delete the kinship relationships you indicated on Facebook , so that no one can find any trace of you through family members registered on the social network!

Finally, dedicated to the bulk of the work, namely photos. Those in the albums you can delete in one go, the others you will have to delete them one at a time.

Read also | How to delete photos on Facebook

Here, now that you have deleted all your data, you can move on to permanently delete your profile !

How to unsubscribe from Facebook

As mentioned, Facebook is not happy that you want to delete your profile because you are a source of money for the company. Consequently, Facebook will try to make you change your mind in every way and to reconsider the idea of ​​unsubscribing. One of these is, for example, to hide as much as possible the button “Delete my Facebook profile” . Another is to show you everything you are giving up by deleting your profile and Facebook can be very persuasive, so before continuing, draw all your willpower to you and get started!

The easiest way to find the page that will allow you to delete the Facebook profile is to click on the question mark icon at the top right and type the query “Delete Facebook account”, among the first results you will see the “How do I to delete my account permanently “ . By clicking on it you will first be explained what you lose by unsubscribing from Facebook as well as the process of permanently deleting your profile which I will briefly summarize:


  1. Click on the icon at the top right that you find on any Facebook page to view the main drop-down menu, as seen above;
  2. Click on Settings;
  3. Click on “Your information on Facebook” in the left sidebar;
  4. Click on “Deactivate and delete”, then on “Delete my account”


Finally, to confirm this process you will also be asked to add your password to allow Facebook to be sure that it is really you.

The real problem is that Facebook will take ninety days to permanently delete the profile . This is probably another small way to hope you change your mind and retrace your steps.

A similar option, and fortunately faster, is the temporary suspension of the Facebook account.

If you have no idea what we’re talking about, don’t worry. In the next paragraph I’ll explain what it means to temporarily suspend your Facebook profile , so read on!

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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