How to unlock 1Password with Apple Watch

Did you know that you can now unlock 1Password with your Apple Watch ? We are facing a new function that you will not want to miss and of which we will tell you everything below:

Unlock 1Password with Apple Watch

The truth is that this tool is one of our favorites and, if you have Apple Watch, surely you want to do this combination, because it is very good.

And, this fabulous app to manage passwords has just been updated for Mac. It comes with interesting functions such as being able to unlock with a double tap on the Apple Watch . It is a feature that makes things much easier for regular users of this manager, because if you always carry it on your wrist, you have it in two taps.

It is convenient because it allows you to unlock the vault without entering a password. If you are working in a public place, nobody will see the password you put in, but only with the two taps on your watch screen you will have more than enough.

It is a function that I personally did not expect and that I find very comfortable, because you only need to give two taps on the side button of the Apple Watch . This way you will access the passwords that you have saved and everything will be faster.

But, what requirements does this novelty demand to be able to use it? You need the Mac to be macOS 10.15 and Secure Enclave .

So now you know, if you want to unlock 1Password with the Apple Watch, just update and enjoy this novelty. You’ll love it.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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