How to uninstall or remove games from my Steam account from my PC forever

The world of video games grows even more each day that passes, and this is due to the boom that has occurred thanks to consoles. However, having a PC will most likely lead you not only to have a tool to work with, but also, you will be able to have (according to its characteristics) an entertainment center with very good features.

In that sense, we will talk about one of the most important video game platforms today, Steam. Likewise, we will tell you how to uninstall Steam account games from the PC directly without having to enter the platform. Continue reading this article and learn how to delete Steam games from your PC forever.

What is Steam?

Steam is a video game distribution platform for PC which was developed by Valve Corporation and presented to the gamer community in 2003. At first it only allowed the distribution of the company’s own games , however today and after Various updates, third-party games, including indie developers, have been made available.

It should be noted that this platform currently has a digital library called the Valve Store with which you can purchase the game of your choice. In this way, the purchased game will be associated with your account permanently and therefore you can open your account on any PC and you will always have your games there.

Also, for some time now, you will be able to give games to a friend or share them with another account you own, through Steam’s own file transfer protocol from the private computer network. It is important to note that this platform accepts payments in different currencies according to your geographical location.

On the other hand, I invite you to visit the official Steam page where you can open your account if you have not already done so.

Uninstall and delete the games from your Steam account from your PC forever

As we told you before, Steam is a video game platform that has currently become one of the most important in the gamer world since it gives you many functionalities. In this sense, you can download the games (once purchased) on your PC to be able to enjoy them.

However, downloading games to your PC gradually depletes the amount of space available on your hard drive, so your computer may slow down. In this way, below I will explain how to delete the games from your Steam account from your computer in an easy and fast way.

  • Locate the installation path: the first thing you should do is get the Steam installation path . To do this you must access “my computer” and from there locate the local disk “C” (as long as you have installed Steam on the main hard drive). Once there, go to “Program Files (x86) / Steam”.
  • Delete the game: once the Steam folder is open, you should go to the “steamapps / common” folder where you will find the list of games that you have downloaded from the application to your PC. It only remains to select the game you want to delete and that’s it.

It is important to note that, despite performing this action when you run Steam, you will see your game still there, however when you click “run” it will ask you to download the data again. Also, I remind you that Steam is intentionally configured so that data is kept inside your pc , so you will have to manually delete it from the saved games folder or the application data folder.

If you are not yet a Steam user, you have a gamer PC and you want to buy good games, I invite you to create an account on Steam with free games .

On the other hand, if you have been using the Steam application for a long time and you have a mobile device with which you want to monitor your account , I invite you to activate two-step verification .

Finally, if you have problems with your account , you should review the following steps in case your Steam account does not open or start games in Windows 10 .


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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