How to turn off window tint and make Big Sur’s dark mode even darker

For some time the windows of our Mac inherit a certain tone from the wallpaper that we have configured. This is something that also happens with the Dock and with the menu bar, among other elements, and it gives an extra cohesion to the color palette of our Mac . In most cases we will want this function active, but deactivating it also has an interesting effect.

Tinted or not tinted, this is the question

The window tinting effect, although it occurs whether we have the dark mode or light mode activated in our interface, is clearly more visible in the first one. Sometimes, when we activate the dark mode what we want is for our Mac to give off as little light as possible , for example depending on the environment in which we are working. Aware of this fact in macOS Big Sur Apple offers us the option to deactivate this tinting.

In certain circumstances, especially depending on what wallpaper we are using, as long as we are already using macOS Big Sur , we may want to disable window tinting . The steps are the following:

  1. In the Apple menu () we choose System Preferences.
  2. We enter General.
  3. We activate or deactivate Allow tinting of the wallpaper in the windows.

That easy. We will see how the windows of our Mac turn a much more intense dark color. What if we are not using Big Sur? We also have some resources. In this case, after step two, we will choose Graphite in the Contrast Color , a change that, although it makes many of the color points of the interface disappear, deactivates this tint.


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It is clear that with the number of Mac users around the world, finding a design language and a color palette that will please everyone is far from easy. With macOS Big Sur Apple is getting one step closer by giving us options to choose from. They already say it, to taste the colors.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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