How to Thicken Hair Naturally

To thicken natural hair, is the dream of many people. However, the hair care that is widely offered often causes us to spend more. Actually, it is not always expensive to thicken your hair. There are ways to thicken hair naturally that you can do at home .

For those of you who have thin hair, there are many ways to thicken your hair that you can do. The factors that affect the thickness of each person’s hair are varied, from heredity, insufficient nutrition, inadequate hair care, the use of chemical products to the use of hair styling tools that can affect the thickness of the hair.

For those whose hair is thin and want to have thick hair, you don’t need to spend a lot. You can thicken hair naturally by maintaining intake and doing home care with ingredients that we often encounter.

Home Hair Care

Here are treatments you can do to thicken hair naturally by using ingredients that are easy to find everyday, such as:

  • Coconut oil and olive oil

Use coconut or olive oil as a hair mask . The method is quite easy, pour enough oil into the palms of your hands and apply to hair evenly. Give a gentle massage so that the nutrients contained in coconut or olive oil can be absorbed properly. Afterward, cover your hair with a head wrap or shower cap for at least 15 minutes or so.

  • Aloe vera ( aloe vera )

Using aloe vera gel as a mask can also be done. Apply the clear aloe vera gel to the scalp and hair evenly. Let stand for 1 hour then rinse with shampoo until clean.

  • Egg

Apart from being consumed, eggs can also be used as a hair mask. The trick, mix 1 raw egg with olive oil and apply to the scalp and hair evenly. Leave it on for 1 hour and wash it thoroughly.

  • Lemon

Squeeze the lemon , take the water and apply lemon juice to the scalp evenly. Let stand for 15 minutes, before washing.

  • Red onion

Even though it has a pungent odor, red onions can also be used as a mask. You only need to grind the onion sufficiently and take the water or juice. Then, apply it to your scalp and let it sit for 15 minutes before rinsing it off using shampoo. However, some people may have a more sensitive scalp surface, so if it feels uncomfortable, or it hurts, immediately rinse it clean.

Apart from the various ingredients above, several other ingredients, such as celery leaves, are also said to be good for thickening and nourishing hair growth. It is even good for thickening baby’s hair .

Supported by Balanced Nutrition

Apart from doing the above treatments, how to naturally thicken hair needs to be supported by a diet with balanced nutrition . The main composition of hair is keratin protein with a melanin layer on the inside that gives hair its natural color. That is why one of the factors that determines the health of hair is protein, and adjusting the diet will be very helpful to meet the needs of protein intake for the body, in this case especially hair.

To meet protein needs , you can eat eggs, salmon, meat, chicken breast and soybeans. Apart from that, you can also combine nuts and seeds with rice, corn or wheat to maximize amino acid intake for adequate keratin production.

Lack of carbohydrates can lead to hair loss. To meet carbohydrate needs, you can eat brown rice, bread, cereals and whole wheat pasta.

Omega-3 fatty acids are one of the nutrients that affect hair health. This type of fat is found in the cell membranes of the scalp and produces oil that keeps the scalp and hair moisturized. One source of omega-3 fatty acids is fish oil.

In general, all types of vitamins and minerals are essential for healthy hair and body. The B group of vitamins , especially biotin or vitamin B7, is an important intake for hair. A deficiency in this vitamin can cause brittle hair or loss. Sources of biotin include cheese, yogurt, eggs, cereals and chicken.

Deficiency of the mineral zinc can cause dry and flaky scalp and hair loss . Fulfill zinc needs by eating eggs, beef, shellfish or kidney beans.

Tips for Avoiding Thinner Hair

To get thick, healthy hair, there are several things you can do, including:

  • Choose the right shampoo

Avoid hair products that contain chemicals that damage hair follicles and dry out hair, such as products that contain sulfates. In addition to paying attention to the ingredients, make sure the shampoo used is in accordance with the type of hair you have.

  • Avoid washing your hair too often

Do shampoo at least 2-3 days because washing your hair too often can cause brittle or split ends. For those of you who have dry hair , it is advisable to limit the interval of shampooing properly. To keep hair moisturized after shampooing, don’t forget to use conditioner afterwards.

  • Towel dry your hair

Rubbing wet hair with a towel is a habit that should be avoided. Because, this habit will only make hair damaged and become thinner.

  • Limit the use of electronics on your hair

Limit the use of hair dryers , hair straighteners or curling irons. Because, use too often can lead to hair damage and hair can become brittle.

  • Protect from the sun

Not only skin, hair must also be protected from exposure to direct sunlight so that the hair is not dull and damaged. Therefore it is advisable to use a hat when you are going to be long outdoors, under the hot sun.

  • Manage stress well

The release of hormones due to excessive stress can cause hair to fall out and become thinner. Manage stress and do scalp care, and do sports to improve your mood, so you can relieve stress.

  • Use a multivitamin supplement if necessary.

You can take supplements containing omega-3 fatty acid, omega-6, biotin, vitamin C, and zinc ( zinc ) to keep hair healthy. But, it’s better to consult a doctor before consuming it.

To get thick, healthy hair, it is important to apply ways to thicken hair and balance it with a balanced nutritional intake. If there is bothersome hair damage, consult a dermatologist for the best solution.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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