How to temporarily close or deactivate my Instagram account?

Instagram is an incredible social network, you have surely been using it for a long time and not only that, you have experienced its incredible functions first hand. Your best photos are there and you have been able to share your day to day with family and friends. Things change and so do tastes, for this reason you want to temporarily close or deactivate instagram; here we show you how.

How can I deactivate my Instagram account temporarily?

It’s very easy, don’t take off and keep reading with us to learn more .

  1. First log into your Instagram account from your mobile or PC if you have previously installed it .
  2. Then you must go to the upper right part of the screen, in the third icon with a man figure.
  3. Then you must enter the edit profile button .
  4. Once on this page you will have to lower the screen to the end and you will get the option ” temporarily deactivate my account “, click there.
  5. Once you have entered that option, a question will appear: Why do you want to disable your account? You must select whatever your case is.
  6. Next you must enter your password.
  7. Finally you must click on the button that says ” temporarily disable the account “, Instagram will ask you to confirm this action and finally click to accept .
  8. Once this step is done, you have successfully deactivated your Instagram temporarily.

A very important point that you must keep in mind is that by doing this action you will only deactivate your Instagram account, you will not delete it automatically. In fact, if you want to activate it again to continue enjoying the content, you just have to log in as usual and you will be able to enjoy your account again.

Permanently remove instagram

Already in the previous option you learned how to deactivate your account temporarily, but it may also be the case that you want to completely delete your account and give yourself a complete break from social networks. How can you do it? Well, it is very simple, but it must be done from your browser and not from the How? Well, let’s see the step by step below.

  1. First, go to the pc and enter your Instagram account, then you must enter the ” help ” option .
  2. On the left side you will find a menu, which says manage your account, click there.
  3. Then another menu will open where you will find the option ” delete the account “; then a menu will appear with three options, go to the middle one.
  4. Then you will see the step by step that you must follow, one of them is to go to a link that Instagram provides you.
  5. When you click on this link, another image will appear where it will ask you why are you deleting your account?
  6. Select a reason and confirm the password.
  7. When you do the previous steps, you will see a red button that says ” Permanently delete my account “, click on that option. If you really want to, your photos, comments, and messages will automatically be deleted.
  8. Instagram will ask you for a confirmation, accept it and in this way you will have permanently deleted your account.

Instagram is a social network with which you can earn money , but if that doesn’t motivate you to stay or you want to try new ways of relating to the digital world, of course you can. A very good alternative is YouTube where you can increase your organic reach and earn good money with it.

Without a doubt, Instagram is a very complete social network, full of incredible tools to emerge in your personal and business world. Best of all, you can stay in communication with those you love through this medium. You already know how to temporarily close or disable Instagram, return the favor by sharing this article with whoever needs it and being able to help as many as we can.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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