How to stop being a failure and become successful in 30 days

Are you tired of being a failure leading a worthless life? On which nothing depends. Do you want to achieve something more? Do you dream of changing your destiny, achieving success, accomplishing great things, changing the world? This is the hard way. He is full of hard work, discipline and self-restraint.

But before moving towards your goal, you need to change your attitude towards life. Change attitudes and behaviors that program you to fail. Reprogram yourself for success. Form new habits. Develop your achievement potential and leadership skills.

Dan Waldschmidt, an internationally renowned business coach and author of How Everyday People Become Great, has analyzed the fates and accomplishments of many great people. Among them there were geeks – those who had outstanding mental or physical abilities from childhood. But almost all of those we call successful were born without natural talents and a silver spoon in their mouth. They were ordinary people, but they gathered all their strength and became extraordinary. They were not born with greatness. They themselves became great. There are methods that actually work. Waldschmidt outlined the rules that must be followed in order to change your life for the better.

Adopt one new rule every day. Every morning, start with another rule and end your evening with it before bed. Spend one day working with him. Comprehend it comprehensively and incorporate it into your daily behavior. Then follow it constantly so that it becomes part of your personality.

30 rules – 30 days. Follow this schedule. Follow it strictly. Show will and character. Don’t give yourself any breaks, indulgences, or weekends. Do not go along with any plausible excuses that your lazy brain will slip in abundance in order to interrupt self-development and return to the usual and comfortable state of a loser. Otherwise, all your achievements will be nullified.

Do this and after 30 days you should be able to feel the results. Your life scenario will change. Success will become possible. You will exceed all expectations of yourself. Start setting even bolder goals. And you will be happier.

Make extreme efforts

  1. Don’t blame others for anything. Mediocre, dull-witted people understand that they are failures. This is why they are so annoyed and always tend to point out the mistakes of others. They hope that by making others feel inferior, they will forget their own mediocrity. Never blame anyone for anything. This is a bad habit.
  2. Stop doing what is not important. It’s not worth sacrificing your time and sleep for everything. If you have to make a living, you have to go to work. You cannot change this. However, you can shorten the time you spend watching TV, hanging around aimlessly on social media, at parties, or anything else that gets in the way of achieving your goals. Replace entertainment with activities that will help you become successful.
  3. Don’t let yourself doubt and whine. You live to be successful. Stop comparing your current problems with past failures. They are not the same. And you are not the same. It must be remembered: your whole life is a training ground where you can catch fortune right now. Why are you in doubt? Don’t whine. Fight.
  4. Ask yourself constantly, “What can I do better next time?” Then do it. If you spend decades sincerely trying to be the best, it will definitely happen. Another thing that comes in handy is don’t be silly. Learn from your mistakes and use lessons to be more successful.
  5. Spend time actively doing things that fuel your energy. Life instantly demands maximum productivity from you. And psychological preparation often depends on physical fitness. Therefore, go in for sports. Wrestling or swimming, jogging (if martial arts seem too extreme). Physical activity has a positive effect on motivation.
  6. Ask yourself and others for forgiveness for a bad attitude. Do it once or twice and it will quickly feel better. When you sincerely apologize for something that is bad for other people, you will stop whining and start winning.

 Expand your limits

  1. Understand your fears. Expanding boundaries begins with realizing what really drives you — fears that you refuse to admit. Success can only be achieved by looking into the eyes of your demons and admitting your weaknesses.
  2. Make extra effort, even if it is not possible. You think that you are working 100 percent, but this is unlikely in reality. To be honest, it’s impossible to give 100 percent. This is pure fantasy. To put in extra effort means to do one more necessary thing. This is the pain you are willing to endure until you get what you want.
  3. Stop worrying about what other people think. Other people’s opinions are the number one reason for failure. Are you ready to give in to your futures for some screaming idiot? Our preoccupation with the opinions of others is complete nonsense. Instead of pretending that you are great, maybe you should really be great?
  4. Deliberately choose difficult situations that can end in failure. Anyone can be a winner if it’s easy. It’s not a problem. Most of us do just that – enjoy easy wins. You need to go beyond the boundaries of comfort. If you want to push your boundaries, you need to be prepared to fail. You should feel free to bet on yourself. Sometimes the best motivation for success is being cornered.
  5. Doubt everything. If everything is “yes”, it does not mean that “yes” should be. It’s just that so far everything is going this way. Pushing boundaries means facing facts and challenging them. You are challenging reality. You refuse to believe that your will is weaker than your circumstances.

Cm. also:

How to expand your limits on the road to success

Be brave and reach the finish line

  1. Prepare for the long haul. Stay in good mental, physical and financial shape. Contribute to your dreams by thinking about the long-term consequences of your activities. If it doesn’t pass the test of time, don’t do it.
  2. You can recover from a few falls along the way. Don’t be discouraged by failure. They will happen. However, you must understand that the more you fall, the faster you need to rise. Despite the loss, you will survive. Even under bad, unforeseen circumstances.
  3. What matters is not what the next step will be, it is important to take it. If you are heading in the right direction, take the next step. If you stop doing the right thing before you get it done, you are making a big mistake.
  4. Everyone who strives for success gets as tired as you. If you are still walking, take a look around. The people around you experience the same pain and frustration that you do. None of them is easier. And it’s no more difficult for you than for them. Admit your pain and realize that you want success more than pain avoidance.

 Make bold plans for your success

  1. Plan to work harder than you expect. You don’t have to move to Kenya and sweat in the hot sun to break a marathon record in running, but you can get many nights sleep deprived in ten years as you work your way to the finish line. And you have to plan for it. Success and a “balanced life” are not compatible. To be successful, you need to give up calm and comfort. Make extreme efforts rather than sticking to a 9 to 5 pm work schedule. You have to plan harder work than you might imagine … and then redouble that effort.
  2. Your plan should be more than the usual “Don’t lose”. He must be brave. You don’t have to just work, hope, and work harder. You must plan to win. This has nothing to do with fortune. Most of us live on the defensive, earning enough to pay our bills and take a week’s vacation every year. We go to work that keeps us from dying, but also robs us of the chance to truly enjoy life. Think great. Change the world.
  3. Plan to work out of the spotlight. You cannot plan to win if you are trying to get noticed. Do not chase after the approval of others and cheap likes on social networks. This is a difficult but important lesson to learn if you are going to be successful. Making an impression and being impressive are not the same thing. Maintaining a successful façade can take years of effort from you. This is a huge delay. Just be awesome. People will notice it.
  4. Get ready to experience many defeats before winning. This is exactly what happens in most cases. If you win the first time, think: did you really set a daring goal for yourself? You should expect to experience failure the first few (if not tens) of attempts. Learn the valuable lessons of failure and plan how to get up after the fall and then pave the way for victory.

Practice gratitude

  1. Look for the positive in any situation. It’s hard to be grateful when all you see is suffering and sadness. Force yourself to look for happy moments in life – the good, the noble, the kind that inspires. Your brain will go into gratitude mode and start noticing all the good things that are happening around you. What you seek is what you find. Imagine how easy it is to be grateful when you’re doing well.
  2. Write everything down and reread it. There is something powerful about writing good things on paper. You kind of confirm your experience. The best way to stay motivated is to reread your previous triumphs, isn’t it? By writing down all the positive things in your life, you create a buffer between your fears and reality. All in black and white on paper.
  3. Stop fussing, slow down. Being busy with life makes most of us anxious, and we rarely pause to see things as they really are … to understand how good things are. You must start to stop. If you are meditating, exercising, or alone while reading a book, slow down and experience the beauty of life.
  4. Thank people much more often. The gratitude training is a powerful igniter. Thanks, you are good at influencing your mind. Simple words cheer you up. Train yourself to say “thank you,” and then start using that word more often. This is the “drug” of real success.
  5. Laugh at yourself. Taking life too seriously, we forget about gratitude. Sometimes the usual laugh from ourselves in our environment is a breakthrough in vision, which allows us to find a new way to achieve success. You can be as angry as you want, but understanding the absurdity of what is happening in your life is a powerful way to put yourself in a position to take advantage of every opportunity.

Conquer your fear

  1. Keep your brain running at optimal speed. Take care of yourself, get some rest, get enough sleep, and reduce stress so that excess cortisol does not lead to long-term negative changes.
  2. Control your senses. DO NOT give in to your whims and instant desires. Consciously deal with the fear that the amygdala and hippocampus use to keep you alive.
  3. Listen to the opinions of others. Ask someone you trust, “Does my point of view make sense?” Do this several times and you will begin to see the big picture. You will find that when you start to be afraid, your perception is different from your perception at rest.
  4. Activity destroys fear. To stop being afraid, do something. The bigger, the better.
  5. Get rid of the negativity and force yourself to be positive. A negative person is mentally weak. Negative thinking is easy. Finding the good in every situation requires an effort of the mind (sometimes extraordinary). Develop the habit of stopping negative beliefs and attitudes. Force yourself to revisit negative experiences in a positive light. Don’t look at unpleasant circumstances, thinking “something bad always happens to me.” When something bad happens, take it as a problem to be solved, not a blow to your dignity. See each situation as an opportunity to become better and achieve more.
  6. Think in shades of gray. Fight black and white thinking by considering all the possibilities between the two extremes. Reframe your own beliefs. Be open to new things.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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