How to start fundraising and make or receive donations on Facebook?

There are many organizations in charge of doing charity work , which is known as social entrepreneurship. The basic principle of these organizations is fundraising, the basic principle of these is to support those who most need a helping hand, economically speaking, especially for those who are unprotected by a selfish society.

For-profit and non-profit organizations , especially the latter, invest a lot of resources such as money , time and manpower, in order to support their main activities. New ways of raising funds are being devised all the time, the most popular today are through a tool that we all have access to, that is, the internet.

Those who participate in these campaigns and contribute financial funds are known as donors and are often open to participating in them. Children, youth and women are the main beneficiaries of these campaigns, and not only those who really need help are covered by these institutions.

What are donations or fundraisers?

Fundraisers are actions carried out by for-profit or non-profit institutions that can provide economic, social, psychological, cultural and religious support to the most vulnerable. This works as a social support strategy to benefit millions of causes throughout the world.

The members of an institution could be a combination of different people or organizations that are related to different causes , it is recommended that they be made up of at least 8 people or institutions, the more of these join a cause, the better, although the number can vary according to circumstances.

Developing a strategy for running a fundraiser

A fundraiser cannot be started in a disorganized manner and without having a purpose to justify the fundraiser. It is necessary for those involved to establish meetings in which they define their principles and the steps to take, the help of a facilitator is recommended to be able to elaborate them.

Once the previous steps have been defined, it is necessary to establish a mission and objectives to be developed , the internal and external influences that may affect the institution must be taken into account; It is recommended to do a SWOT analysis as its benefit is worth it.

After completing the above, we proceed to establish a resource collection objective , establishing which are the possible sources of income for it. It is necessary to calculate the human, material and financial resources that will be needed and finally a budget is drawn up; taking into account the costs of the collection activity and the possible income.

How to start fundraising and make or receive donations on Facebook?

To start a fundraiser on Facebook it is necessary to take into account how to add a donation button , and know if it is a personal fundraiser or if it is a fundraiser for non-profit institutions .

Personal fundraisers are used as a means to raise money for a personal cause, to start one you must first take into account if it is available for your country, if it is you must read the policies of Facebook collections , so as not to violate any rule .

The type of collection must be specified, if it is a non-profit collection or if it is a collection for volunteering. To receive the money collected, the bank account must be added and paid to the person who created the publication, it may be subject to taxes (it all depends on the region where it is located).

On the other hand, if the fundraiser is for a non-profit organization that supports a charity , it must be taken into consideration if the fundraiser is available in the country or region where it is requested. If it is available, the policies indicated by Facebook must be followed to the letter.

The money obtained from the collection is paid directly to the organization and not to a specific person. If you want to donate to fundraisers, you must follow certain statutes, such as: live in a region where fundraising is allowed and have payments enabled.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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