How to start an exercise on your Apple Watch

Do you want to start monitoring your performance in physical activities? Check out how to start and set up exercises on your Apple Watch.

Those who do physical activities and wear a smartwatch know the importance and practicality of having data on performance, health and goals at hand. The Apple Watch, in addition to measuring your results, such as distance, pace and route, for example, also monitors your health, by checking heart rate and oxygen levels. Here’s how to start your workout and choose the best setting on your Apple Watch .

  • How to use the cellular network on the Apple Watch
  • How to measure beats on your Apple Watch

Start exercising using your Apple Watch (Image: Cottonbro / Pexels)

How to start an exercise on your Apple Watch

Apple Watch can automatically detect if you start an exercise, in case you forget to start. But, it is good to prepare the app at the beginning of the activity so that its performance can be more accurately measured.

  1. Open the “Exercise” app;
  2. Select the type of exercise you are going to practice;
  3. If you want to define performance goals, touch the “More” button, the three dots above the chosen exercise;
  4. Tap on the exercise to start and wait for the three-second countdown. If you want to start immediately, tap the activity again;
  5. Begin your activity;

You can choose the exercise and set goals (Image: Playback / Apple)

You can also tell Siri to start an exercise. Just say something like “Start a 5 km race”.

How to control physical activity

See below how to pause, end and other commands to use your Apple Watch during your workout:

  1. To end the activity, slide your finger to the right and tap “End”;
  2. To pause the exercise and resume later, slide your finger to the right and tap “Pause” or press the Digital Crown and the side button at the same time.
  3. There is the option of screen lock, which avoids accidental touches. Slide your finger to the right and tap “Lock”. To unlock, rotate the Digital Crown;

Types of exercises on the Apple Watch

The Apple Watch has several exercises already configured on your system and it is possible to add other activities, if they are not included. See what they are:

There are several types of exercises previously configured on the Apple Watch (Image: Playback / Apple)

  • Walk;
  • Running;
  • Bike;
  • Elliptic;
  • Paddle;
  • Climbing stairs;
  • HIIT (High Intense Interval Training);
  • Trail;
  • Yoga;
  • Functional strength training;
  • Dance;
  • Recovery;
  • Core;
  • Swimming;
  • For wheelchair users;
  • Others (option used to include unlisted activities);


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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