How to solve when they do not listen to me in Google Meet

Google meet is a video call platform that currently some companies such as educational entities have started to use Google meet as a communication tool , this being one of the most important in the market.

But like any good tool, it also brings with it some inconveniences when using it, so we will teach you how to solve microphone and headphone connection problems from your computer.

Google meet is the solution for intercommunication between people who are in different places and meet in one place to hold a meeting where you can share data, videos, photos, content, among others, in order to carry out a specific job.

This application has been very useful in these times thanks to the fact that it allows people to communicate without having physical contact , favoring measures and care that protect users and people from the situation that is being experienced today due to of Covid 19.

A curious fact about this magnificent application is that it allows the option of sharing the screen in a Google Meet meeting and also allows us to make a video conference with up to 100 people without a time limit and has almost all the functions of similar applications.

Index(  )

  1. What to do to activate the audio in Google Meet?
  2. Why can’t they hear me on Google Meet from my cell phone?
    1. Check that the microphone is activated
    2. Change cell phone settings
  3. How do I know if my microphone is working?
  4. How to fix Google Meet live streaming issues?
  5. What to do if I don’t hear anything in the Google Meet meeting?

What to do to activate the audio in Google Meet?

With google meet, you can create or join a meeting with friends or business. But for this communication to be effective , you need to activate the audio in google meet, once you are on the main screen, you will validate the permissions of your microphone and audio.

For this you will click on the padlock that is on the left side of the web address . A small tab will open where you will find 4 items, including microphone and sound, all of which should be set to ‘allow’. If you see that one has a red X and says ‘block’, just change it to ‘allow’ and it’s fixed.

Why can’t they hear me on Google Meet from my cell phone?

It happens very often that the rest of the people in a google meet meeting cannot hear what you want to convey to them , and sometimes even if the reason is very obvious, among so many things it can happen that you do not realize why it is the problem. Here we refresh your mind a little so you can solve this situation.

Check that the microphone is activated

Make sure you have the sound activated, the main and very important thing you should do is verify that the microphone icon is activated so that people can hear you. Although it seems very obvious, it happens very often. If so, just tap on the icon to activate it.

Change cell phone settings

Go to the settings of your mobile and mainly verify that your phone has the correct configuration , you must make sure that the microphone is activated, for that you must go to configuration – system – sound – then verify speaking from a call or a new google meeting meet.

How do I know if my microphone is working?

If your microphone shows on the screen that it’s enabled but people can’t hear you, you can consider that the configuration has not been done successfully. And if what you are using is an external microphone, you must be sure that it has been correctly connected to the connection port and check if the audio and headphone settings on your phone recognize that microphone.

It is also good that you check if the microphone or headphone cable is in good condition and is not damaged. What you can do is try it on another device to see if the problem is with the external device.

How to fix Google Meet live streaming issues?

When starting a meeting, if you see the image from the camera, it means that it works, but if it doesn’t, you can also solve the problem with the microphone and audio . You are going to click on the three dots to open more options . You click on settings, it will open a panel.

Audio; where it says microphone, next to it there are some points that open and close vertically when speaking. If so, it means that the microphone is working properly . If not, you can change the microphone option in the same options that are presented there.

Horns; those would be the speakers of your laptop, computer or some headphones that you have connected. You can click on test to hear where the audio comes from and when you click you should hear a sound like a call , which tells us if it is configured correctly. If this is not the case, you can also change the configuration for another of those that are presented there.

Camera; go to where it says camera and click, you will see the sending resolution and the receiving resolution that you can configure to your liking for better videoconference visibility.

What to do if I don’t hear anything in the Google Meet meeting?

There are several reasons that can make you not hear anything that is being reported in a google meet meeting, that is why we bring you the possible causes and how to solve the problem.

  • Test the speaker of your phone, you must be sure that they work correctly, entering some other application that plays sound. If the speaker does not work, you may have to have the phone checked by a specialist. If the speaker works on other platforms or applications, you can go to the next solution.
  • Uninstall and reinstall Google meet, it may be that it is not installed correctly and therefore there are files within the App that are incomplete or damaged that produce this error. This will also mean that when installed correctly, the action of listening to the meeting in Google meet can be executed correctly.
  • Factory reset your mobile ,if none of the above works, you can also factory reset your device , possibly this will completely solve the problem.