The latest work by the Remedy boys, Control, is a game full of mysteries and puzzles to be solved by exploiting the telekinetic powers of the protagonist, Jesse. One of them, the roulette puzzle, will allow you to unlock the additional Golden Suit for Jesse .

This puzzle is located inside the Fortune and Probability department of the Federal Bureau of Control, located within the Research Sector: to reach this new wing of the gigantic complex you will first need to obtain the magnetic card that will allow you to access all doors with a security level of 5 . To get this tile you will have to complete the sixth main mission of the game, entitled Threshold.

Once you reach the Fortune and Probability department, you will notice two rooms separated by a sort of grate: in one of these there is the roulette , which is the protagonist of this guide: to get the Golden Suit, in fact, you will have to do so make sure that when spinning the wheel, the number indicated by it is 7 . To do this you will have to manipulate your luck in some way, and it is no coincidence that both rooms are full of good luck items. So here are the steps to follow to complete this puzzle:

  • Turn on all 4 lamps in the same roulette room
  • Go back to the other room and interact with the horseshoe on the desk so that the two spikes are facing up
  • Always in the same room, interact with both Newton‘s cradles present (i.e. those decorative objects with balls tied by small cords that continuously hit each other) in such a way as to stop them
  • In the same room, also make sure the oriental fortune cat’s paw is moving
  • The next move will be to collect the four-leaf clover and replant it in the vase placed on the table near the roulette wheel, the one that also houses an old TV
  • The last object to be moved will be the statuette depicting a golden fish : this object must be placed on the red carpet that is located under the roulette table, as close as possible to the roulette itself. Jesse’s telekinetic powers will come in handy to move this item.
  • Finally, make sure that the playing chips on the roulette table are positioned on number 7
  • After completing all these preparations, you can finally spin the roulette wheel, but make sure you get away from the red carpet immediately , otherwise your chances of hitting the number 7 will decrease.

If you have done everything correctly, the roulette will stop on the number 7 and you will unlock the Golden Suit, while if the number is different from 7 a fire extinguisher inside the room will explode.

We remind you that Control is free in February on Playstation Plus , in its Ultimate Edition version, while Control recently entered the Xbox Game Pass catalog in its Standard version. To learn more about the game, we refer you to the review of Control for PlayStation 5 .


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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