How to solve big problems by looking forward

I hadn’t seen Brad in a few years . He had a good job at P&G and informed us that he had recently retired . I thought it was good news but he seemed somewhat sorry because he had had to leave his job that he liked so much but above all he had had to do it for something that without a doubt he and his family knew would change his life.

I learned in less than 30 minutes how to solve big problems

And it is that Brad had been diagnosed with cancer.

Brad is one of those people that you are glad you met. With great gifts of prayer and also to listen. A kind and effusive person – like a good American -. That person with whom you consider that it will be difficult for you to have a professional relationship. Although you know for sure that you can have a good personal report.

He listened carefully to all the changes and developments in my life. He was happy and hopeful with them. After paying attention to 3 different stories that Brad had in front of him, he explained his miracle to us.

He told us that he had been invited to study a possible retirement in his contractual situation with an advantageous retirement plan. He didn’t feel like retiring. He was happy with his life and his work how to change it.

Something went wrong in one of the medical check-ups that his company performed on him . There was an unmistakable sign of possible cancer. After a series of subsequent check-ups, he was diagnosed with prostate cancer . That was a low blow. He commented that this is when you really consider your life. When you have a limit in your life. For this reason, he decided to accept retirement and try to overcome that moment with his family.

Brad had a malignant tumor that needed to be removed. I understand the situation he was in as my father died almost 10 years ago from cancer. His loss was very hard. Over time I have managed to accept and discover everything I gained in his years by my side (you can learn more about my father in an article about his values. Link )

Everyone around Brad braced themselves for the change. His family, friends and all those close to him prayed for him. They did some scans to detect the tumor. The results concluded that it had to be removed. Brad, a good believer, kept hope and many others also prayed for him. He continued to run some tests as he prepared for the chosen day.

One morning he received an unexpected call:

  • Brad, I’m your doctor.
  • Yes hello how are you?
  • Brad, we need to talk, are you sitting down?

I was not prepared for that answer. I just wanted it to be okay. He wanted to continue enjoying his family and his life. He was ready to fight. He could expect bad news but it was not yet the moment when he had just decided he wanted to enjoy himself.

  • Go ahead doctor, give me the bad news.
  • Bad news? Brad, you won’t believe it .. your cancer is gone !!
  • How? What do you mean that he’s gone?
  • Brad, he’s not! It does not exist, it is gone! You do not have cancer. !!
  • Doctor it can’t be, the evidence was clear. You yourself located the tumor, it had to be removed. I thought he was going to tell me that there was nothing to do, that he had metastasis.
  • Brad, I don’t know what you’ve done but there’s no cancer.
  • Doctor, I prayed all I could, and so did my family and friends. It must have been God.
  • Friend Brad, I have been a Doctor for over 40 years and I assure you that this is the 1st time something like this has happened to me. Thank you for giving me hope with your example.

According to Brad, this demonstration of God gave him strength to continue enjoying his life but also to start new adventures and share his knowledge and details.

Brad’s example is that of hope and in his talk he delighted us with one of those images that you remember for a lifetime:

He said that in life we ​​must always look forward.  As if we were driving a car. You have to look at the front window, which is bigger and wider. We must follow the space through which our path runs and that does not have to take us in a straight line. The breadth of the glass will lead us to see other nearby roads.

We should never see our life through the rear-view mirror because the road is smaller and farther away and in it we can only see what we leave behind, so if we look through it we will only worry about what is not there and we will not be aware of our way forward.

Thanks Brad for your visit and passion for listening. I will keep looking forward and your example will remind me of it daily.

I loved Brad’s story and so I hope he doesn’t mind me sharing it. I hope that if you see that it can help any of your friends, family or acquaintances, you will make it a part of it because these examples I assure you will help them to move forward.