How to silence a member of a WhatsApp group

The way in which we can communicate with the WhatsApp APP has changed over time after its publication in the world of technology. For people who use it personally or professionally, they will have noticed these changes, and they may not yet know how they can use them.

This application has formed a large part of our daily life, be it the way you use it, be it to talk with a single person or use it to have a conversation with several through the well-known “groups” where if you create one you can add or add a contact from the list that you save on your phone.

But not all its users make correct use of this type of communication, especially the majority of those who allow us to enter or enter WhatsApp groups created through this application. Well, possibly you have added someone who does not look good or who surely writes or sends messages that you would not like to receive.

In many mobile devices that people use daily, we could find at least one WhatsApp group. And maybe there are one or two people that we don’t want to have there, but don’t worry, we have the solution to be able to silence or hide a WhatsApp contact that is a member of the group that you have created.


  • How to silence a member of a WhatsApp group
  • How to block a WhatsApp user

How to silence a member of a WhatsApp group

Creating a WhatsApp group can be quite useful on many occasions, but let’s not rule out that sometimes it can become a bit annoying to have to participate in one of these, sometimes due to receiving too many notifications of files or messages that were sent, as well as it may be because of a person not using the group properly.

In addition to this, when receiving files such as photos, audios and videos they constantly make the cell phone memory fill with unnecessary things, but you can change the default storage avoiding it.

So as you can silence a group user, to do this it is important that you are the creator of the group or that you are an administrator. After you verify that, continue with the following steps:

  • First you must select the WhatsApp groupwhere you want to apply these changes
  • After selecting the group, you must look for the option “Group ” (You can find this option from a three-point bar that you can find at the top of your screen).
  • Next you must make administrators to all the people who are members of the group except for the user that we want to silenceor block (doing this will also give them permission to manage the group as they wish).
  • After this, from the group settings we will have to look for the option so that only group administrators can send messages.

Likewise, when these simple steps are completed, the person you wanted so much to silence or block in the group will no longer be able to write or send any type of file to that group. If at any given time you want him to send messages again, you will only have to make him an administrator of the group and he will be able to send messages to each of its members again.

Now if you want that person to not be able to see or know your movements not only in the group but definitely in the entire APP, we are going to explain how you can block a user who has your WhatsApp contact.

How to block a WhatsApp user

In order to block someone who has our number in their contacts and can see us on WhatsApp, we are going to have to follow these small steps:

  • First you will have to enter the WhatsApp application that you have on your phone and access its Settings.
  • We will look for the option or the section that says “Account”and select it.
  • From there we will look for where it says “Privacy”and in the same way as we did with the previous one, we will also select it.
  • After this a tab will appear with several options, among them there should be a section that says “Contacts blocked”
  • From that option we can block any contactthat is on your phone, especially the one you want to be unable to have contact with you. Successes !.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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