How to show a tab in Excel

In Microsoft Excel, the terms tab, sheet, sheet tab, and sheet tab are used interchangeably. They all refer to the worksheet you are currently working on. But no matter what you call them, depending on the project you are editing, you may have too many tabs open and need to hide a few in order to focus on your work.

However, at some point, you may have to see these hidden tabs again. Excel allows users to hide tabs and show them using a similar process.

In this article, we will explain how to display worksheet tabs individually or all at once. We’ll also cover a few common questions regarding the tab display process in Excel.

How to show a tab in Excel

Before we dive into the details of how to display a worksheet tab, let’s see what you need to do to hide it in the first place. To do this, you must have at least two tabs open. Please note that you cannot hide all tabs at the same time; one must always be unnoticed. Here’s what you do:

  1. Press Ctrl (or Command on Mac) and use your cursor to select the tabs you want to hide.
  2. Right-click the selected tabs and choose Hide from the menu.

This will automatically hide the tabs you no longer want to see. If you want to display a single tab, right-click any tab, select and follow these steps:

  1. Select “Show” from the menu.
  2. In the pop-up window, select the tab you want to show.
  3. Select “OK”.

The tab will immediately appear among the other visible tabs.

How to show all tabs in Excel

Hiding and showing tabs individually in Excel is a simple process. However, if you have hidden many tabs at once, displaying each one individually can take a long time.

Unfortunately, there is no way in Excel to click a button and show all the tabs. To do this, you need to implement a workaround. All you need is to create a custom Excel view of your workbook. This is how it works:

  1. Before hiding any tabs in Excel, go to the main toolbar and select View.
  2. Then select Custom Views, click Add, name your view, and click OK.
  3. Go to hide tabs.
  4. To display them, go to Custom Views in the toolbar, select the saved view, and click Show.

Immediately, you will be able to see all the hidden tabs again.

How to show tab bar in Excel

If you have opened an Excel workbook and you cannot see the sheet tabs, it means that the tab bar is hidden. Don’t worry, it only takes a few clicks. Follow these steps to display the tab bar in a workbook:

  1. Go to “File” on the main toolbar and select “Options” in the lower left corner.
  2. In the pop-up window, select the “Advanced” option and scroll down to the “Display Options for This Book” section.
  3. Make sure the Show Sheet Tabs check box is selected.
  4. Select “OK”.

You should be able to see the tab bar in the Workbook again.

How to show a table in Excel

The easiest way to show a spreadsheet in Excel is to first save it on a separate sheet and hide it as such. Copy the table you want to hide from the sheet and follow the instructions above. Then display it like any other tab.

Also, you can hide and show multiple rows and columns at the same time in Excel. Here’s how:

  1. Select the rows and columns you want to hide / show.
  2. Click the Home tab and then the Cells section.
  3. Select Format and from the drop-down menu, use the Hide and Show option under Visibility.

How to display pivot tables in Excel

The PivotTable is a useful feature in Excel that helps users sort through huge amounts of data. If you are working on a PivotTable and the field list is gone, you can restore it by following these quick steps.

  1. Right click anywhere in the PivotTable.
  2. Select Show Field List from the menu.

If you need to hide the Field List again, follow the same steps, but this time select Hide Field List.

How to show a tab in Excel VBA

If you want the other option to show more than one hidden tab at a time, you can use the Visual Basic for Applications editor or VBA in Excel. This is what the process looks like:

  1. Click the worksheet tab and select View Code instead of Show.
  2. The VBA editor window will open. In the editor, you will see the Immediate window. If you don’t see it, go to View> Immediate Window.
  3. In the Immediate Window, enter the following code: “For each sheet in Thisworkbook.Sheets: Sheet.Visible = True: Next Sheet”

The code will be executed immediately and you will see your hidden tabs again.

How to show a workbook in Excel

You can hide or show the workbook window in Excel and thus manage your workspace to your advantage. Books are shown in the taskbar by default, but here’s how you can hide or show them:

  1. Click the View tab on the main toolbar and then the Window group.
  2. Select Hide or Show.
  3. If you need to show the hide, select the book name and click “OK”.

You will be able to see the hidden book again.

Additional answers to frequently asked questions

1. How to make a global display in Excel?

You can also hide or show all rows and columns in Excel by clicking where the first row and first column meet. It’s in the upper left corner.

This will select all the rows and columns, and then all you have to do is click the Hide or Show option in the Window group under the View tab.

2. How do you show hidden tabs in Excel?

If you want to display hidden tabs in Excel, please follow the instructions above on how to do it for individual tabs and multiple tabs at the same time.

3. How to show tabs in Excel 2016?

If you are an Excel 2016 user, the steps for hiding and showing tabs are identical to Excel 2019. So, all you have to do is apply the same steps we provided above.

See only the tabs you need

As you navigate through dozens and sometimes hundreds of tabs in your Excel workbook, you can spend a lot of time opening the tabs you don’t need. You cannot delete them because you will probably need them later. The best solution is to hide them.

But if you don’t know how to show them later, you probably don’t want to take this step in the first place. Hopefully this tutorial will help you navigate hidden and hidden tabs in Excel and become more efficient in using this feature.