How to share private stories with groups of friends on Instagram

Sharing stories on the social network Instagram is one of the most direct interactions offered by the application, but sometimes the privacy settings of some profiles cause some limitations to share private stories with groups of friends, so we will show you what strategies and modifications you can implement to achieve it.

Index(  )

  1. What alternatives to use to share a story from a private profile on Instagram?
    1. Recording history
    2. Publishing it on your ‘Instagram Stories’
  2. What to do to change the private to public stories of an account on Instagram?
    1. From the phone
    2. Using the computer
  3. How to put Instagram stories just for a group of best friends?

What alternatives to use to share a story from a private profile on Instagram?

It may happen that when looking at or viewing the stories in a private profile you want to share it with your friends, but since the user keeps his profile private, it is difficult to share the content that he publishes in his Stories. However, there are some ways to achieve this through a couple of tricks that we will indicate below:

Recording history

One of the ways in which you can share the content of the stories of a private profile is by recording it, since that way it will be saved on your device and then you can share it, if it is only an image you can go to the option to take a screenshot screen, however if the content is audiovisual or with some type of animation you will have to record the story as follows:

  1. Make sure your device has the screen recorder tool.
  2. Locate it among your tools and activate it so that the circle appears on the screen to start recording.
  3. Now go to your Instagram social network and look at the top for the private story you want to share.
  4. When you open the story immediately click on the screen recorder to start recording.
  5. Once the story has finished playing, pause the recording and select save.
  6. The video will be saved in your gallery and now you can share it on Instagram, send it to your contacts or publish it in your Stories.

Publishing it on your ‘Instagram Stories’

Another of the alternatives you have to share a private story with groups or friends is through your Instagram Stories, but for this to happen the person must have mentioned you in it, in this way when your inbox of direct messages reaches you the notification that you were mentioned in that story, you can react and choose the option to send it to your Stories.

What to do to change the private to public stories of an account on Instagram?

It is evident that Instagram has adapted to the needs and preferences of its users, therefore the application offers you the possibility that you yourself choose to what extent you want to keep your stories private or modify them so that they are public by making modifications in any of your devices:

From the phone

Maintaining privacy on your Instagram account can give you peace of mind and security, but it can also be limiting when interacting with your followers through your stories, so what you have to do is change private stories to public from your mobile device like this :

  1. Enter the updated Instagram application and after entering your social network account, go to your profile and locate the menu of the three lines that you will see above and to the right of the App.
  2. While in the settings menu, look for the application’s privacy and security option.
  3. Then locate the line of “Story controls” and once there you will be able to access three different scenarios:
  • On the one hand, you will see the option to “Hide story from”, which was created for you to share your stories and choose who you specifically want to hide them from, deactivate that option and your stories will be public again for everyone.
  • In addition, you will find a line of “Story controls” so that you allow anyone to be responsible for your stories without any limitation.
  • Likewise, you can deactivate the option that prevents other contacts from sharing your stories with their friends and groups, making your Instagram Stories public.

Using the computer

If you are using Instagram through your PC and you want to change the private stories to public, what you should do is configure the controls of the stories so that others can see them, react and share them, you can also make the changes so that the account leaves to be private and become a public Instagram profile like this:

  1. Open your Instagram on the PC and locate the application menu located in the upper right part represented with your profile photo in miniature.
  2. Go to the settings to choose the privacy and security option.
  3. You will see the private account line, you must remove the selection so that the aforementioned option is deactivated, your profile will be public again and your followers will be able to share your stories, react and interact with you.

How to put Instagram stories just for a group of best friends?

Having select groups of friends on social networks can be quite comfortable to share your content, as well as you can put someone’s favorite friend on Facebook , on Instagram you can also do it and to share your stories only with the users on the list you must do the following :

  1. Enter your social network Instagram and go to your profile to open the menu of the three stripes located at the top.
  2. Now you can go to best friends option and add new people to best friends list on Instagram.
  3. Once the aforementioned list of selected friends is created, you must go to create a story and you will see that at the bottom you will see the option to share with your best friends, select it and it will be shared only with those who are on the mentioned list.

If you want the action of sharing the stories to be definitive only with your list of best friends, you must configure the privacy of the stories and in the line of visualizations select the option “Best friends”.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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