How to set up a VPN on Mac

How to set up a VPN on Mac.A VPN is a useful option to protect our location and our data when we browse the Internet. And although there are many services that offer us the ability to easily connect to their servers through a program that is simple to install and use, we may also need to configure the connection manually. We discover how to do it on Mac.

VPN (virtual private network) is a useful option when we want to protect our Internet connection , something essential and highly recommended when, for example, we tend to connect to public WiFi networks (especially when we work outside the home and, in the rest, we go to the cafeteria or restaurant with our Macbook Air to continue working comfortably and quietly from there).

Although the site in question is trustworthy, we do not really know if someone is analyzing the traffic that handles the connection. And if we access our email, social media profiles or even bank accounts from there, all that private information could end up exposed (and compromised).

The truth is that at home we can also enjoy the different advantages that an Internet connection through VPN can provide us . It is enough, for example, that we need to circumvent geographical restrictions to be able to read a certain website , or because we simply want to protect our privacy as much as possible.

Although it is true that, as we explained in a previous article, using a third-party VPN application becomes one of the simplest and simplest ways to connect to a VPN easily and without too many complications (since it will only be enough to subscribe to that certain service, download and install the application, and press the “Start” or “Connect” button), it is also perfectly possible to do it manually .

Choosing our VPN service/How to set up a VPN on Mac

Before proceeding with the manual configuration of our VPN , it is evident that we must have a contracted VPN service. This is not necessary when, for example, we are going to connect to our company’s VPN from home (for example, to work telematically), for which we will have to have the necessary data to proceed with its configuration and connection.

If we are going to do it on our own, for example, to establish the possibility of connecting to an external VPN from home, then it is necessary to contract a VPN service through a subscription.

Currently there are many companies that offer this service, so it is advisable to analyze all the opinions of users who have already used them, compare prices and subscription plans, and choose the one that interests us the most.

As we have already mentioned, on many occasions most of these services tend to provide an application to download and install on our computer , which greatly facilitates the process.

However, if you want to do it all manually , through Mac’s built-in VPN settings , then it ‘s a must to make sure we have all the necessary data .

Setting up a VPN manually on Mac/How to set up a VPN on Mac

If you prefer to do everything manually, it is necessary to have all the data, which includes the server address, user name, password and the one known as a shared secret or certificate.

To do this, click on the start button of the Apple menu, and go to System Preferences . Then, click on Network , and now click on the plus sign “(+)” , which will allow us to create a new network connection .

In the drop-down menu we choose the VPN interface , in Type of VPN we select the option L2TP over IPSec and enter a name (the one that interests us the most, although we can also leave the one that is). Now click on Create .

We now enter the Server Address data and the account name (sometimes also referred to as a username by the VPN service). And click on Authentication Settings .

Once this is done, we enter the password and the shared secret , and click on the OK button . Next, click on Apply , and to check that everything is correct, we proceed to connect to the VPN by clicking on the Connect button .

If all goes well, the VPN will connect now. Finally, when we are done, we can select Disconnect to turn off the VPN service and return to our normal Internet connection.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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