How to Set a WhatsApp Audio as Ringtone

We have already mentioned the various and noble virtues of one of the most used messaging applications in the world. Not only can you send messages, but you can also make video calls and perform various settings. For this reason, we have prepared the following guide that will take you step by step and show you how to set WhatsApp audio as a ringtone .

Soon you will be able to do it easily and we will show you how to do this simple process .


  1. How to set a WhatsApp audio as a notification tone
  2. Configuration of our phone to place the audio as a tone

How to set a WhatsApp audio as a notification tone

So that you can set a WhatsApp sound as your notification tone, this is what you have to do:

  1. First of all, you need to download an audio converterthat allows you to convert all audio files to MP3 format. For our example, we’ll use Audio Converter , but you can also download another app.
  2. To download this application, we will go to the Play Store and download it for free. You can use this link to access the application more quickly. Once the application is downloaded, we can install it on our device.
  3. After completing this process, we search for this application on our phone and open it.
  4. Now we have to find the path or location of the audio file on our device, for this we go to the Internal Storageoption .
  5. Then we go to the WhatsApp option, then Media and finally select the WhatsApp Audio option . Here in this folder we will store all the audios that we receive from our contacts.
  6. The next step is to select the audio that we want to convert, highlight it, and then click on the Nextoption . Next, you need to give this file a name .
  7. To do this, go to the top right and click on the icon, which is shaped like a V, to mark it.
  8. Once you have given it a name, you need to click on the Save option to save the changes.
  9. In the icon with the three vertical dots you will find more options, to finish you must click on Done. This completes the audio conversion.

Configuration of our phone to place the audio as a tone

The next step is the configuration of the sound of our unit .

  1. To do this, we go to the Settingsoption .
  2. If we click on it, more options will appear and now we go to Sounds and vibration.
  3. Here in this window we go down until we find the Default notification soundoption . This action takes us to another window where we select the first option From Files .
  4. Here we find the file that we have converted. We select it by clicking on it and a circle that changes color is activated.
  5. In this way we have changed the default notification tone of a WhatsApp audio.

And the same procedure can be done with ringtones , so the converter that you have downloaded will always be very useful. You can convert any audio file to MP3 format and then use it as a ringtone. Whether for messages, calls, reminders, etc.

And so we end with another tutorial that allows you to learn a little more about the applications you use on a daily basis. And this time you were able to learn how to set a WhatsApp audio as a notification tone