The more time passes, the social networks are taking much more strength. This is because it is increasingly common to use them to keep us in touch or to show others our daily activities, such as WhatsApp states.
How to Send Two Stickers Together in WhatsApp with iPhone?
This application has become one of the most downloaded and used in the world, thanks to the large number of options that it offers you, such as hiding the profile photo or sending several stickers at the same time. In this article we will show you how to do it and what you should know in case they are not sent.
Index( )
- What do you need to know when sending two stickers at the same time on WhatsApp?
- Check if you have the latest version of WhatsApp
- What points do you improve by sending two stickers in the same WhatsApp message?
- to tell a story
- View more chat content
- What is the way to send two stickers at the same time in WhatsApp?
- With an iOS device
- For phones with Android systems
- Why are the two separate stickers displayed in your WhatsApp conversation?
What do you need to know when sending two stickers at the same time on WhatsApp?
This function is one of the most welcomed by the public, since at the beginning when the application was presented you could not do more than send messages . But this option allowed the conversations we have to be more fun and we can express ourselves better.
To send two stickers at the same time, you only have to take two things into account. The first is that you must have them located among your list of stickers so that you can send them quickly. In case you do not have them added, you can enter a chat in which you have received these stickers and add the stickers to your favorites .
The other thing you should know is that the internet connection has to be good for the stickers to be sent correctly and at the same time.
Check if you have the latest version of WhatsApp
In the event that the stickers do not want to be sent together , the most common problem may be that the application is out of date. If this is the case, you don’t have to worry about updating it, you just have to enter the App Store and from there you can update the WhatsApp application for your iPhone .
What points do you improve by sending two stickers in the same WhatsApp message?
This option to send two or more stickers at the same time allows you to highlight several things when communicating with other people on WhatsApp. And thanks to this, the person can better understand what you want to say through the stickers.
to tell a story
This can be very useful when you tell a story to the person you are talking to. Thanks to the fact that many stickers are created to tell some kind of story or are consecutive in the words they have written on them, when you send them consecutively it is as if it were telling something very interesting.
View more chat content
The good thing about this WhatsApp function is that you can not only send two stickers, but you can send as many as you want . These are going to be grouped two by two and it depends on which one has been sent first, this serves as we already said to make the conversation look a little more fun and dynamic and so that it doesn’t end too quickly.
It should also be noted that through WhatsApp Web you can also do this by sending stickers. For this you will only have to have a very good internet connection so that you can send what you have on your WhatsApp.
What is the way to send two stickers at the same time in WhatsApp?
This sending two stickers consecutively has no science. You no longer have to activate any hidden WhatsApp option or anything like that, you just have to have stickers saved in the stickers section of your WhatsApp.
With an iOS device
If you have an iPhone phone and you don’t know how to send two stickers at the same time, you’ve come to the right place to learn how to do it. You are going to do this this way, you will open the WhatsApp application and enter the chat to which you want to send the two stickers in a row in the chat writing bar and there will be a smiling emoji on the right side of the writing bar.
Then, at the end of the emojis part, there will be three icons, the emojis one will be the first, then there will be the GIFS one and the third one is the stickers one, you are going to press this. There they will load the stickers that you have added to your favorites, then for the two stickers to be sent in a row you have to press one first and quickly the other. In this way they will be sent in a row.
For phones with Android systems
If, on the other hand, you have an Android system phone and you want to know how the stickers are sent immediately, you have to open the WhatsApp app and enter any chat. In the writing bar there will be a smiling emoji, you are going to press it and in the lower part of this section you are going to press the third icon, which is the one with the stickers. The stickers will be there, you only have to press two stickers in a row so that they are sent together to the other chat.
Why are the two separate stickers displayed in your WhatsApp conversation?
The two stickers may not display together for two reasons. One is that the stickers have not been sent yet or one is sent and another is not. This is because your internet connection is not good. The other reason is that while you were pressing the two stickers a message came from the other person you are talking to and then the pursuit was cut off with this message.