How to see the number of searches on YouTube?

Currently, networks play an important role, since with them we can inform ourselves, communicate and amuse ourselves by watching their content.

And today, YouTube has been very famous for being one of the best video platforms most used worldwide due to its high repertoire of content that ranges from the fun to the darkest and most fearsome. And the ability to share your videos on Facebook is also for advertising.

This video platform has a search engine that helps you match a word with the content you want to see. And for those who are content creators on this platform, the number of searches is very essential when it comes to having fame and subscribers. To do this, we will teach you how to see the number of searches on YouTube so that you know what is most searched for today.

Index(  )

  1. What are the benefits for your research of YouTube searches?
    1. The algorithm is reflective of the audience
    2. Subscribers are a good sign
  2. How can you install Keyword Tool on your PC?
  3. How to use Keywords Everywhere for YouTube search query?

What are the benefits for your research of YouTube searches?

YouTube has become the best platform for creating content in the world, since there are endless videos of all kinds on it. Over the years, its interface has been improved in such a way that it has become easier to search for any type of video.

Currently, it has an interface of options in which we can choose the type of video we want, be it laughter, mystery, news, music, movies, interviews, among other options.

Knowing what is most searched for on YouTube will be helping you when creating content to upload to the platform is a good benefit. With this, you will be able to position what you do , in the option of the categories that are most searched for on YouTube and thus gain subscribers and more views. Sure, you can also clear the search history that your YouTube does.

The algorithm is reflective of the audience

The YouTube platform has an algorithm that relates a word to the videos you are looking for. And also, it has an algorithm that reflects what you search for the most, what you see and what people like the most. With the help of this you can make your videos appear among the most searched category and thus people will see and enter to watch your videos. You can make use and put a subscribe button to your account .

Subscribers are a good sign

Through the subscribers you will be able to see what is most searched for today on YouTube, since they are the ones who make the platform’s algorithm work in the best possible way. Thanks to them you will be able to know what the public likes through questions and surveys on your YouTube channel.

How can you install Keyword Tool on your PC?

The YouTube Videos platform does not have the ability to accurately measure the number of searches made on YouTube, but it does have the ability to use an exemption from the Google Chrome extension center called Keyword Tool, it is the tool for keyword search on youtube

To have Keyword Tool on our computer, we will simply have to enter the Keyword Tool page and use this tool to search for the keyword that subscribers use to search for the content that interests them most on YouTube. In this way, you will be able to position your videos in the list of the most searched videos according to the keyword.

The Keyword Tool , researches the keyword to help your videos to be among the most searched. Since the YouTube algorithm takes into account some factors to search for the videos according to the word. For this reason, having good descriptions in the titles of the videos is also a very favorable point to take into account when uploading the video and positioning it in the platform’s searches.

How to use Keywords Everywhere for YouTube search query?

A great help is provided by Keywords Everywhere when searching for search volume on YouTube. To make use of this tool, you will only have to put a word and it will be throwing you words in videos that have to do with that word. But for that, what you should mainly take into account are the following aspects:

  1. Design a structure for your topics according to those words that are most searched for. In this way, when the videos are searched, yours can appear
  2. A good way to see how this is is to put the word in the YouTube search engine and see the first 4 results and from there takeexamples for your own.
