How to see the Facebook groups you belong to?

Among the functions that Facebook has , is that of being a member of groups formed by users of the application , where publications and comments are shared among members. Facebook groups work so that different users of this network, who have interests in common topics, share information and opinions on these topics with each other in a space that is exclusively for sharing these topics .

Index(  )

  1. What to do to activate notifications from Facebook groups to which I belong?
  2. How to view the list of groups to which you belong?
    1. On an Android or iOS mobile device
    2. From a Windows PC or Mac
  3. How do you know if you have been accepted into a Facebook group?

What to do to activate notifications from Facebook groups to which I belong?

To receive notifications of new publications, comments or changes in the configuration of the group, we must enter our list of groups on Facebook and enter one of the groups and press the option ‘notifications’ and it will give us the option to activate or deactivate them, including what kind of notifications to receive from the groups.

To activate or deactivate group notifications from the mobile, we access the group in question and press the ‘Member’ button which will show us the options to stop following the group, manage notifications and leave the group. If we select ‘ manage notifications ‘, we will see the option to activate and deactivate your notifications.

How to view the list of groups to which you belong?

To view the list of Facebook groups of which we are members, we must enter the options or menu of the application, which will show us a list and we will enter ‘groups’ where we can see the list of groups to which we belong or are of our interest.

On an Android or iOS mobile device

We can see the list of our Facebook groups if we enter the application and press the three lines that appear in the upper right part and we will see a list with the Facebook content menu, among them we will see the option ‘groups’ that will show us the groups we manage, to which we belong and suggestions for new groups.

If among the group suggestions we see one that has content of our interest, we can join by pressing the ‘join’ button, which will take your request to join the group to its respective administrator, who will make the decision to accept or not our request.

From a Windows PC or Mac

We log in to our Facebook profile and on the left side of the main page we will see a list with the Facebook content menu, in the ‘Explore’ division we will see the ‘Groups’ option where, as on mobile, we can see the groups we manage, groups we are members of, and suggestions for new groups.

When we enter our profile from the PC there is no need to display the Facebook menu as the list is displayed on the left side of the main page, whether we see our own profile or the home page, where we can see the content that our users share. friends.

How do you know if you have been accepted into a Facebook group?

When we request to join a group that shares content of our interest, the group administrators receive the request and approve or reject it, to know if our request was approved we can see it in the notification bar , as a notification will appear that shows that we were accepted to the group we request.

Another way to see if the group administrators accepted our request to join, is to enter the group list and verify that the groups we belong to are found in this new group that we request to join.

When requesting to join a Facebook group, some group administrators send a questionnaire containing questions about our intentions when joining the group, which we must answer and accept that we will respect the other members of the group and comply with the rules of coexistence of the Facebook community.

Among the rules of coexistence of the Facebook community with respect to groups, is the moderation of the content that we share and publish within the group, not to use offensive words or obscene terms in the comments and descriptions in the publications, respect for others members and the rule of maintaining frequent activity within the group.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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