How to search or find old friends on Facebook with their name?

Facebook is the most used social network today, where you can find old friends on Facebook;  It is undoubtedly one of the best platforms with high-end worldwide expansion, reaching the most distant places on the planet to join with a single click. Surely you will be anxious to find those who accompanied you in important moments of your life, such as university, school or work and unfortunately you have lost contact. You can even know since when you are a Facebook friend of a person.

But how can you search or find old friends on Facebook with their name? Well, today we will teach you how to do it in a very simple way; keep reading with us to know more.

How to find old friends on Facebook?

It is very easy to get to your old friends on the social network and contact them, since Facebook makes things easier since it has its own search bar. You just have to put your friend’s name and surname in said bar .

However, it may be the case that when entering the name or surname of who you want to find there are many search matches, which makes it difficult to find your friend. For that reason, we will show you other ways you can find your old friends .

From other mutual friends

Suppose that you already have someone in common with you and the person you want to search added , you just have to go to the account of that mutual friend, then go to the “friends” tab.

When you enter there you will find a smaller search bar that will help you find who you are looking for. Enter the name and surname and if the owner of said account has added the person, it will appear in a few seconds.

With an email

Now, when looking for your friend you may have remembered that you have an email from him or her from when they studied or worked, this is an advantage since it is very likely that the person uses the same for their Facebook account. Enter it in the search bar of the social network and if you have matches, the person with whom this email is associated will appear.

Related groups

Very well, it may be the case that by belonging to a certain group at school, university or work you get the person you are looking for, but how? Well, you must enter the group that you think is in order, then place yourself in the “explore” session.

Enter the “members” section then click on “search for a member” and enter the name and surname of said person. By doing so, you may find the person you are looking for. It can help you at this point to learn to discover the facebook groups to which you are affiliated .

Can I find a friend on Facebook where you live?

The answer is simply yes. Let’s see the step by step that we will give you to find your friend.

  1. Login to your Facebook account
  2. Then put the name of the person you want to search for in the search bar.
  3. Then you will find yourself in the upper bar that only looks for people. Therefore, to locate your friend by where he lives, you must click on the tool menu that appears in that same tab.
  4. In the drop-down menu you will find the location option. And write the city or place where you want to search. In this way you will make a filter of people who live in that town with the name you provided.

It is really very easy to find your friends and acquaintances on the popular social network Facebook, you just have to dare and have fun with the experience. We hope that the information provided will be very useful, do not forget to comment and share, successes in the search.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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