How to search for ‘Reels’ on Instagram from the app?

There are a number of ways where you can search for things in the Instagram application, since this application gives you tools to use it easily and without many complications. Next, we will tell you how to find the content of one of the most used functions by Instagram users, which is called Reels.

Index(  )

  1. How to use an audio or hashtag to find a Reel?
  2. Where do the Reels of the creators you follow in your account appear?
  3. Where can you find your saved Reels?
  4. How to see the history of Reels seen in your account?
  5. What to do if the ‘Reels’ option does not appear on your Instagram?
    1. Update the app
    2. Clear cached data

How to use an audio or hashtag to find a Reel?

One of the ways to search for Instagram Reels is through the hashtag and an audio. To do this, you just have to click on an audio or a hashtag of a production that has the same characters as the video you want to search, with this action Instagram will immediately search for the other Reels that have the audio or the same hashtag.

With this way it will not be so difficult to find some Reels, you just have to remember what the name or the appearance of the Reel is to find what you are looking for. The hashtags and audios are a way to categorize the reels, with this option it will be easy for you to find the required reels.

Where do the Reels of the creators you follow in your account appear?

If you usually use the networks a lot, you will notice that the reels are similar to the videos of the tiktok platform , it allows you to follow the content creators that you have liked. To find more videos of this you just have to do the following steps:

  1. Enter the profile of the person you follow.
  2. When you are in your profile, you will see that there is a category on the screen, you must click on the one that says Reels.
  3. Being here you will see that you found all the videos that this personhas published in order, starting with the most recent and ending when he started creating content.

Instagram Reels gives you the option to find the profile of the people you follow through the search engine , you just have to enter the name of the user you want to see the content and the app will find it.

Where can you find your saved Reels?

The social network Instagram gives you the opportunity to see the videos that you liked a lot again , for this you only have to at the moment of watching the video give the option to save, with this option you will not download them in the storage of your phone , but they are saved in your Instagram account. To use this option, it is mandatory to have an internet connection. To be able to find them, you just have to follow the following steps:

  1. Enter your application. Then go to your profile.
  2. You must go to Settings, this is located at the top, specifically on the right side.
  3. Here it will offer you a list. You must enter the Saved option, which is represented by a flag.
  4. Now you will find all the content that you have given to save.

How to see the history of Reels seen in your account?

If you want to see the history of the reels you have seen, it will only be possible if you obtained them thanks to the search engine. The videos that you have seen in the browser do not have a record, you will only find them if you decided to follow or search for the song. To find Reels that you have searched and viewed from your account, you just have to follow the following steps:

  1. Enter the Instagram application and go to settings.
  2. You will find a list here, you must enter the Security option.
  3. Now select Access data.
  4. Here you will see the activity option, click on it and then you must click on Search History. Now you will find all the history. To see again you just have to click on the fragment where you had searched.

Another way to find the record of your search is by going to the same search engine, here the most recent thing you have saved is saved . In addition to saving the videos, you can also copy the link of a Reels and share it with a friend on WhatsApp.

What to do if the ‘Reels’ option does not appear on your Instagram?

Your Instagram Reels may not look like you, they may be due to some inconvenience. The first thing you should do is check the connection to the web, since it is a function that depends on the internet. If not, here are some tips in case your application does not work as it should.

Update the app

The Instagram platform brings you new functions every time, so that these functions appear you must keep the application updated. If your version is not the most recent, it may stop working little by little, and it will not even allow you to see Reels. Updates usually solve the problems of the app, so try to do it periodically.

To carry out this action, you just have to go to the Google store and look for updates, if you have pending the download of a new version of Instagram, you must give to update if yes and that’s it , wait for your download to be completed so that use what’s new from Instagram.

Clear cached data

The applications have a memory called cache that when filled, the app may stop working.To make the cache have enough space for you to use the application, you must carry out the following procedure:

  1. Go to device settings.
  2. Now go to Applications.
  3. Find the one you want to delete the cache for. In this case it would be Instagram.
  4. Enter the application and then click on Clear cache.