How to save instagram photos to gallery in iphone

How to save instagram photos to gallery in iphone.Instagram is one of the social networks that is currently being used the most by different users, since this platform allows us to share both photos about our day-to-day life and photos of products that we want to sell. Likewise, this platform has become very pronounced by many users for all the tools it offers to users who are created, whether it is a personal or business account, giving opportunities to share their content.

How to save instagram photos to gallery in iphone

Now, at first, Instagram only allowed you to share photo posts and not videos, but over time this platform has evolved to the point of letting you share very short or long videos. However, another of the disadvantages that Instagram had in the beginning is that it did not allow saving photos of other publications made by other users.

Likewise, even today this option is not available on the platform and that is why in this article we will be teaching you how to save Instagram photos in your phone gallery.

Index(  )

  1. What to do to save the photos I edit on Instagram?
    1. From the top button
    2. After uploading
  2. How to configure the saving of my Instagram photos automatically?
  3. How to save someone else’s Instagram post on my mobile?
    1. Using the native Instagram button
    2. taking screenshot

What to do to save the photos I edit on Instagram?;How to save instagram photos to gallery in iphone.

How to save instagram photos to gallery in iphone

Instagram offers us the option of being able to edit the photos before being published on said platform, within the editing tools on Instagram we can find filters that it offers, likewise, we will find tools to adjust the color, saturation, contrast and others. more . All this so that you can edit your original photos on Instagram, but you should know that for these photos that are edited on Instagram to look great, they must have a high quality so that when they are shared they are not distorted.

Now you surely want the photos you edit on Instagram to be saved, and this option is available, but you should know that in order to be saved, they must be published on Instagram after being edited. In this way, you will not be left with the desire to have the photo you edited on Instagram saved on your mobile phone. That is why, in this article, we will teach you how to save the photos you edited with different methods.

On the other hand, with these methods you will be able to access these photos without having an internet connection , because they will already be saved on your mobile phone.

From the top button

This option is the one that we commonly use to publish the photos that are uploaded on Instagram. That is, you will have to enter Instagram and choose the photo you want to edit, and after you make the editing settings using those offered by Instagram, you will have to click on the arrow that appears in the upper right. Later, you make the other adjustments and touch the arrow to finish and thus publish the edited photo that once saved in your phone gallery.

After uploading

To be able to save the photos that you edit with the Instagram tools on your mobile phone, you must take into account that in order for it to be saved in your phone gallery, you will have to have the saving configuration activated. That is, you will have to enter the settings of your Instagram account and activate said settings. In this way, you will be able to save the edited photos after they have been uploaded to Instagram.

How to configure the saving of my Instagram photos automatically?

How to save instagram photos to gallery in iphone

Instagram offers us a wide variety of options in its settings menu that allows us to accommodate our Instagram account to our liking. Recently, the updates that the platform has made, we find the option to save the photos in drafts, both those that we edit in the publication option and in the history option. These are some of the settings included in its latest update.

On the other hand, Instagram allows us to configure the saving of the photos that we publish and that these are saved directly in our phone gallery once they are published, this is achieved with the automatic saving that is configured. Now to get our Instagram photos saved in our gallery, you will have to do the following:

  1. Sign in to the mobile app using the latest update .
  2. Then go to the profile picture in the bottom right corner of the screen to access our profile.
  3. Once entered our profile, we will select the three upper lines that are in the upper right corner.
  4. Now enter the “Settings” option.
  5. Then go to “Account”.
  6. Next, select “Original Posts”.
  7. Then a menu of options will appear and you must activate the switch by sliding them to the right to activate it and in this way the photos you publish on Instagram will be saved, both the original ones and the ones you edit.

How to save someone else’s Instagram post on my mobile?

On Instagram we can find endless posts made by other people and sometimes there are images that we like which we want to save in our phone gallery to later use or share.

Using the native Instagram button

Something very important that you should know about Instagram is that this application does not have the option to download photos published by other users through a button or any other option. Therefore, you will have to choose other options such as taking a screenshot or using some pages to help download other users’ photos. Likewise, the first option is the simplest and the second is more complicated, but either one works.

taking screenshot

This is one of the easiest options to save a photo that someone else has posted on the Instagram platform. All you have to do is take a screenshot of the photo you want to save in your gallery and then you can crop it from the phone’s editing options or from an external application. Likewise, to take a screenshot you will have to use either the volume down button with the power button or use the option that is integrated into the phone.