How to restore the firewall of my Windows 10 PC?


Sometimes, we go over some of the applications that come with computers that have Windows systems. One of these is the firewall or rather, the firewall that these computers do not provide for the protection of malicious software . This is a program that turns out to be very important, you can also help establish connections that must be accepted.

With this program we can make endless configurations. But among so many settings, we can forget how they were set in the beginning. This is why, on several occasions, the computer has problems. For that we bring you this article that will teach you how to restore the Windows 10 firewall.

How to restore the firewall of my WINDOWS 10 PC? – Reset firewall

Index( )

  1. What happens to your PC when you completely reset Windows Firewall?
    1. It will stay with the default settings
    2. Optimize the performance of your computer
  2. What is the procedure to completely reset the Firewall settings?
  3. What alternatives are there to improve the performance of your computer and its firewall?

What happens to your PC when you completely reset Windows Firewall?

With the passing of time, some of the programs that come pre-installed on Windows computers are better. With this we want to tell you that these programs are more efficient, but it will still be a little better to install third-party programs such as activating the Eset Nod32 antivirus.

In other more specific cases. We are talking about how efficient the Windows 10 Firewall can be today. Since with each update, its interface and its defense against unauthorized access by malicious people have become better and better . That is why it is recommended to always keep it in active mode.

It will stay with the default settings

When on the computer, we go to restart the Windows Firewall . This will have a significant change when it comes to viewing your settings. Since these will be seen in a resounding change if we restart them, it will be in the factory default settings, just like restoring Google Chrome to factory settings , it will be as if nothing had happened

Optimize the performance of your computer

Another case that can occur at the time of restarting the Firewall of the computer. It is that the operation of the computer itself is better than before, it will be optimized in some way. This is due to the fact that many of the configurations that we make to it can greatly affect its operation, this mode will always be the one indicated for when something goes wrong with this program.

What is the procedure to completely reset the Firewall settings?

On certain occasions, we must completely reset the configurations that we have made to the Windows Firewall . In this way, we will be able to see what configuration we made to the Firewall and see if in such a problem , that is the problem in question. To reset the values ​​you have to do

  • First, you must go to the control panel of the computer and open it.
  • In the window that will be emerging, you should look for the Windows Firewall
  • Clicking on the ‘Windows Firewall’ option. You will see the sale of this application and its settings
  • In the left part. You will see the available options. One of them will be ‘ Reset to defaults’, you will click on it and follow the steps below.

In this same window, many more options will be appearing. One of them may be the operation of this program. You will be seeing some green boxes if the program in question is having a good performance. Right there, we can see the protections of the networks and connect devices to the Internet networks by WiFi or cable.

What alternatives are there to improve the performance of your computer and its firewall?

Thanks to the protection that the Firewall provides us, we can improve the performance of the computer. In this way, having the Firewall of the computer always updated is one of the best alternatives that we have available. But if you want others, here are some of the best alternatives for you to consider.

  • The first option available to you is to use ‘PC Tools’. This Firewall has all the requirements you need to protect your computer. It has advanced rule configurations for the care of workstations and computer applications.
  • Another alternative is the use of ‘ZoneAlarm Free’. This Windows Firewall program has the ability to protect against malicious users who are on the Internet. In addition, this program provides you with an authority on the information that comes in and out.
  • Of the best options to know, it is that of‘ Comodo Firewall ‘. Program widely used at the time, options for the details of the applications that access the Internet, monitor the traffic that exists in the connections and regulate some access. They are what stands out the most.