How To Reset A WordPress Password With Different Methods

With more than 15 years of creation, WordPress works as a digital system whose mission is to manage content , from creating a personal blog to more complex websites. It is an ideal platform to start in the world of website development, it has very interesting functions , and a catalog of templates that will facilitate the design process of users.

Index(  )

  1. How are passwords generated in WordPress?
  2. Different ways to recover a password in WordPress
    1. From ‘Lost password’?
    2. In the admin panel
    3. Using MySQL commands
  3. What is the function of the ‘Emergency Password Reset’ script?
  4. What should be done if the user is forgotten?

How are passwords generated in WordPress?

This platform is interested in safeguarding the information of its users and has high security systems . WordPress works with mathematical algorithms that determine security key systems, and salt keys. WordPress keys are presented in the form of alphanumeric codes, randomly thrown, so no key looks like another. In this way the WordPress keys reduce the possibility of hacks and offers encryption of the information that is stored in the cookies.

Different ways to recover a password in WordPress

Encryption offers a high level of security , however, it is common for people to forget their passwords , so it is necessary for platforms to offer a password recovery service. In the case of WordPress, there are several methods to regain access.

From ‘Lost password’?

The easiest method to reset a password is to go to the WordPress website , click on ‘Sign in’ and select the option ‘ Have you lost your password? ‘. A window will open, in which you must enter the username or email address of the account owner. The platform will send the corresponding information to the email provided to regain access.

In the admin panel

Another way to recover a password is to modify the database . To do this, the user must enter the administration panel of the hosting provider, usually cPanel. Once the user is in the control panel, he must select ‘Databases’, click on ‘phpMyAdmin’, locate the username on the screen, press the ‘+’ icon, and locate the database .

It is necessary to allow editing in the user’s registry, find the option ‘user_pass’, and select the function ‘MD5’. The encrypted password will be displayed, so it will need to be replaced with the new one. Then select ‘Continue’ and finally the user will have a new password.

Using MySQL commands

Another practical strategy is to access the MySQL database, the user will simply have to create the hash of the new password, perform the interconnection with the WordPress database and finally establish the exchange of hash of the old password with the hash corresponding to the new key.

What is the function of the ‘Emergency Password Reset’ script?

Fortunately, there are several options to reset your password in case it is forgotten. If the described methods fail there is a resource for special cases. WordPress includes the ‘Emergency Password Reset’ button in its options.

This tool requires the administrator username to update the account password. Through this information a new password is sent to the email. However, if there is no way to access the email, this tool allows you to recover the password through a series of more complex steps.

What should be done if the user is forgotten?

This particular case should not lose calm, since if it is possible to solve in another way, for this the user must enter the database from the hosting data management panel . In the phpMyAdmin you must look for the ‘users’ table, and locate the email by selecting ‘user_email’. When selected, a link to retrieve the user will be received by email. By following these steps it is possible to recover the username of the WordPress account


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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