How to request personal certificates online

Do you need to request a certificate from the registry office of your municipality of residence, but does the idea of ​​long queues discourage you? Are you out of your area of ​​residence, do you urgently need a registry certificate and do not know how to find it? If you answered yes to one of these questions, know that thanks to technology your problems are easily solved.

All you have to do is contact the National Resident Population Registry (ANPR) , a portal managed by the Ministry of the Interior which, among other things, allows you to download personal certificates directly online. Weren’t you aware of this possibility? Well, now yes and, if you dedicate a few minutes of your free time to me, in the next paragraphs of this article I can explain how to request personal certificates online using this service.

I guarantee you that succeeding is not at all as complicated as it might seem to you right now. All you have to do is log in using one of the login methods available on the portal, locate the certificate to download and download using the appropriate button: that’s all! Enjoy the reading.


  • Preliminary information
  • How to apply for online personal certificates

Preliminary information

Before going into the article seeing how to request personal certificates online , it seems only right to provide you with some preliminary information that you cannot ignore at all.

As I have already mentioned in the introductory lines of the article, to succeed in the operation in question you must contact the ANPR (National Resident Population Registry) which, at the time of writing, allows you to obtain the registry certificates online completely free of charge. , without even having to pay the revenue stamp.

The main advantage of using the service (in addition to the fact that it is free), concerns the possibility of obtaining the documents you need without having to physically go to the counter of the Municipality of residence, thus eliminating waiting times. regarding their obtaining.

The certificates that can be requested through the ANPR are the following.

  • Birth registry
  • Marriage registry
  • of Citizenship
  • of Existence in life
  • of Residence
  • of Residenza AIRE
  • of civil status
  • of family status
  • of family status and marital status
  • of residence in coexistence
  • of State of AIRE family
  • of family status with kinship relationships
  • of Free State
  • Civil Union registry
  • of Cohabitation Agreement

To access the portal you must have the SPID (Public Digital Identity System), the CIE (Electronic Identity Card) or the CNS (National Service Card). Once logged in, you can proceed with the request to download the certificates and possibly with the sending of a request to correct the data (should there be any errors in the same). For all the details, read on.

How to apply for online personal certificates

Now let’s get to the heart of the matter and actually see how online registry certificates are requested . Below you will find all the steps necessary to succeed in the operation which, I already anticipate, is of a disarming simplicity.

The first thing you need to do is connect to the main page of the ANPR , click on the button Access Citizen Services , select the access method you want to use ( SPID , CIE or CNS ), by clicking on one of the appropriate tabs and then click on the Enter with SPID , Enter with CIE or Enter with CNS button (depending on the option previously chosen). To complete the login, follow the instructions that appear on the screen.

Once logged in, you will find yourself in front of the Desk section of your account. To request a copy of a certificate, click on the Certificates tab at the top or click on the Request a certificate button in the Certificates section located at the bottom left.

On the page that opens, then read the information that is shown on the screen and then check the box To continue, check the box to confirm that you have read the information . Next, click the Request for yourself button , if you need to request a certificate for yourself, or the Request for your family button , if you need to request a certificate for a member of your household. In the latter case, before continuing with the request, you will need to select the component concerned by clicking on the arrow pointing to the right next to his name.

At this point, select the certificate to be requested from the appropriate section (you can also select several at the same time): Registry of birth , citizenship , existence in life , residence , marital status etc; then, from the Select the type of certificate section , choose the type of certificate you want to obtain (on plain paper with specific exemption from stamp duty or on stamp duty with exemption from paying tax until 31/12/2021 pursuant to art. 62, paragraph 3, of the CAD ).

Then, choose the method of receipt (eg I want to download the certificate ) from the appropriate section and click on the Preview button , so as to verify the correctness of the data before actually proceeding to download the document (or documents, if you have requested them different). If everything is fine, all you have to do is click on the Get Certificate button and that’s it.

The required certificate PDF document will be downloaded and, unless you have changed any settings, it will be in the Downloads folder of your computer.

If in the future you will be able to download the certificates in question again, you can download them by going to the Certificates section of your profile and then clicking on the arrow pointing downwards , which is located in correspondence with the document of your interest (in the Required Certificates section , located at the bottom ).

Should errors appear in one or more personal certificates, you can report the matter directly to the ANPR. To do this, click on the Data correction tab (at the top), click on the Insert a request button and follow the instructions that appear on the screen to proceed with the correction of incorrect information relating to your profile.