How to rename Finder labels on our Mac

Finder tags allow us to mark and later gather the most diverse files on our Mac according to an organization system beyond files and folders. We can have labels for work files, for accounting, for studies, etc., so being able to change the name to the labels that come by default is of vital importance .

From Red , Blue or Yellow to Work , Urgent and Family

We can rename Finder labels in two ways, the easiest way is directly from the sidebar . In this case the steps are as follows:

  1. We open the Finderapp .
  2. In the sidebar we secondary click on the label we want to edit.
  3. We choose Rename [current name].
  4. We write the name.
  5. We press Enter (↩︎).

But what if the tag we want to rename is not in the list that appears in the sidebar? In this case, which is also usually quite common, we must go to the Finder preferences. The steps are these:

  1. We open the Finderapp .
  2. In the Findermenu we choose Preferences .
  3. We enter the Labelstab .
  4. In the list that appears, we secondary click on the label that we want to edit.
  5. We choose Rename [current name].
  6. We write the name.
  7. We press Enter (↩︎).

Easy right? So we can rename the default labels or those that we have created . Something we can do in step three, touching the “+” that appears below the list.


A basic overview of Finder and Files tags and how we can use them to organize our files

Being able to have names that describe the theme of our labels is, without a doubt, the first step to start using this organization system. One that offers us resources beyond individual files, names, and folders and sub folders. One that allows us to find most of our files with a single click.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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