How to remove Zoom from my Google Chrome browser – Images, texts and videos

The Google Chrome browser is one of the most famous and popular today, due to its multiple functions, such as the ability to translate a website or, because it allows users to set and customize zoom levels for some web pages. In turn, it has a default zoom option.

If you need to adjust the content of a web page, you will need to make use of Zoom’s zoom in/out feature. In this article, you will learn how to configure and manage the zoom of your Chrome browser.

Index( )

  1. What should you do to configure Google Chrome Current Pages Zoom?
    1. From the top right corner of your PC
    2. Using letter combinations
  2. How to manage the Zoom of only some specific Google sites?
  3. How to set a normal size to all pages in Google Chrome permanently?

What should you do to configure Google Chrome Current Pages Zoom?

The browser’s Zoom function allows you to reduce or enlarge the content of a website, be it text, images or videos. There are two ways in which you can configure it , doing it manually in the browser settings or through the combination of keys.

From the top right corner of your PC

To configure the default zoom level of Chrome you must go to your browser and locate yourself in the three points that appear in the upper right part of the browser, click.

Different options will appear in the browser menu, where you must choose the ‘Settings’ option , in which a new Google tab will open and you must select the ‘Appearance’ option.

Scroll down to the last settings option , where several options will appear such as changing the language to the browser and you will also find the website zoom settings. Being there you can establish the percentage of enlargement of the content which will be default for all websites.

Using letter combinations

The magnification or zoom level of the Chrome browser is 100%, in order to adjust it manually using the keyboard of your laptop or desktop computer, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Open theGoogle Chrome browser
  2. Locate yourself on the websitewhere you want to increase or decrease its content.
  3. From your keyboard you must press the Ctrl and ‘+’ key combinationsat the same time, in case you want to increase, or the ‘-‘ key to decrease the size of the website.

Also, you can perform the function of increasing/decreasing the zoom, using your mouse , you just have to keep the Ctrl key pressed and use the mouse wheel, raise it to increase the zoom or lower it to decrease it.

At the moment you increase or decrease the content of a website, the Chrome browser will indicate the zoom level through a pop-up window that will indicate the percentage in which you are. Also, it will provide you with a button to reset the site to default.

How to manage the Zoom of only some specific Google sites?

If you want to change the zoom settings for certain websites you must do it from an advanced level, so you must follow these steps:

  1. Open the Chrome browserand click on the three dots, located at the top right of the browser.
  2. Select the ‘Settings’ > ‘Privacy and security settings’ option.
  3. Click on the Site Configuration option > Additional content configuration.
  4. Within the additional content configuration group you will see the ‘ Zoom levels’ option.

Once you are in the ‘Zoom levels’ configuration, you will be able to view the zoom percentage on the different websites, and customize them or, on the contrary, you must click on the X that appears on each site to reset the zoom level on that page.

How to set a normal size to all pages in Google Chrome permanently?

If, on the other hand, you want to set a font size or zoom level for all pages, you can do it from your browser , it should be noted that there are cases where the website will only allow you to adjust the size of the text. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open your Chrome browser.
  2. Click in the upper right corner, where the three dots appear.
  3. Select the ‘Settings’ > ‘Appearance’ option.

By selecting the appearance or appearance option , a list of options will appear, where you can configure the font size, customize it and you can even change the color of the Google theme.

To change the font size you must choose the down arrow and select the size that best suits your needs. If you want to download the latest version of this great browser, you must go to its official Google website and download and configure it to be able to enjoy it on your personal computer.