How to remove Yahoo! from my search engine in Mozilla Firefox

Something that turns out to be very annoying is having an intrusive search engine in your web browser . It turns out that in recent times many search engines have become intruders in users’ search browsers, this is because when certain pages are entered, the search engine downloads automatically, skipping the browser’s blockers , and positioning itself in your search engine, this becomes very annoying.

Index(  )

  1. How can you see what your default search engine is in Firefox?
  2. Which search engine is the best to use in the Mozilla Firefox browser?
  3. What is the procedure to change the search engine in Mozilla Firefox?
    1. How to remove a search engine?
    2. What to do to add a new search engine?
  4. Is it possible to have two search engines in Mozilla Firefox?

How can you see what your default search engine is in Firefox?

To find out which is the search engine or engines of the Firefox web browser, it is a fairly simple task. The first thing you should do is locate yourself in your Firefox search engine, being there, press the three horizontal bars that appear in the upper right part of your screen, when pressing these bars, a list of options will appear with which you can alter or modify your web browser, among those multiple options, are the “browser settings”, choose this option.

While there, all the configurations or settings of your browser will appear, on the left side of your screen , there is a list of options, there you will see the option to “search”. Entering there, the options of the search bar will appear, a little lower, the specific search engine that the browser has will appear.

If you download a little more, you will see a list of the alternative search engines that your web browser has , you must be very aware of these alternative search engines, since sometimes they go from being alternative to being predetermined, which will cause you discomfort. The best decision you can make is to just leave the search engine that you like the most and eliminate the other search alternatives, in this way you will avoid problems.

Which search engine is the best to use in the Mozilla Firefox browser?

There are many alternatives to use in this web browser, however, everything will depend on your tastes and preferences, it can also affect the country in which you are located. One of the best search engine options for this web browser is to use Google, preferred by many people for its large number of tools, and it can also be optimized to provide quite complementary information. A feature that differentiates this search engine from others is that it does not saturate you with advertising, in addition to many other options, they can be provided for the entry of viruses to your computer.

What is the procedure to change the search engine in Mozilla Firefox?

This is a fairly simple process that will take you a few minutes, it should be noted that when you decide to use a good search engine, very good options open up when looking for some information. Some search engines are very limited such as Bing ,, StartPage, which means that certain topics or questions you have are not answered in the best way, even in some cases, the popular answer of “no results found” comes out which It can cause you frustration by not meeting your needs.

How to remove a search engine?

Just like we did to be able to see what your search engine is, the first thing you should do is locate yourself in your Mozilla Firefox browser, then press the three horizontal bars that appear in the upper right part of your screen, when entering there choose the option that says settings, being there, click on the option that says “search” there you will find what your search engine is  and also the alternative search engines that the web browser has. Among these options you can also back up the data in the browser.

While there, you will see a list called “search shortcuts” , which are the alternative search engines that your web browser has, at the bottom of the list, the option to delete appears, to eliminate the search engine or search engines you want to eliminate, You just have to select it and give the option to delete, this option will immediately be removed from the list.

What to do to add a new search engine?

Very well, to add a new search engine, you must select the option that says “default search engine” this is in the same place where you change the search engine you have. There you will get a list and the different options that are in the list of alternative search engines will appear , if in the list of optional search engines, the search engine you want does not appear, there is nothing to worry about.

At the bottom of the list of alternative search engines, there is an option that will give you the option to “add another search engine”. When choosing that option, it will send you to another tab, where you will find the multiple search engine options, a list will appear where you can choose the one you like the most, when you choose it, the details of the search engine you have selected will appear, there you will see the option of add it to firefox. When choosing the search engine, it will immediately appear in the list of alternative search engines, you just have to select it as the default.

Is it possible to have two search engines in Mozilla Firefox?

Indeed, you can have two and even more search engine options added to the browser, the point is that you can only have one as a default.

In the case of the other option, you will have it in the list of alternative search engines, in which you can choose the option you need at the time you are going to use it. You will always have to have only one option as the default, so if you want to use another option, you must select it as the default.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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