How to Remove Hyperlinks from Word

You have to rework a Word document that is full of useless links, all the hyperlinks in it do not work, they need to be deleted or replaced and you do not know how to do it. Don’t panic! Even if you are new to the world of computers and any operation seems very difficult, I can assure you that this time you will do it without worries.

If you want to find out how to remove hyperlinks from Word , all you have to do is take five minutes of free time and follow the short instructions that I am about to give you step by step. Whatever version of Office you are using, I promise you that you will get rid of those links in no time. So, ready to see how it is done?

Just a little clarification before starting: for the tutorial I will use the most recent version of Office, but know that the instructions you will find below should also be valid for all versions of this software with a tabbed interface, that is, starting from version 2007). Having made this necessary premise, I have nothing left to do but wish you a good read and good work!


  • How to Delete Hyperlinks from Word on PC
  • How to Delete Hyperlinks from Word on Mac
  • How to Remove Hyperlinks from Word Online
  • How to Delete Hyperlinks from Word on Smartphones and Tablets
    • Android
    • iOS

How to Delete Hyperlinks from Word on PC

As is obvious, the first step you need to take before seeing how to remove hyperlinks from Word is to open the document from which you want to remove the links in Word. At this point, there are two ways to go: delete the hyperlinks one by one (useful for a few links) or delete all the links in the document at once (on all pages or in a selected portion of text).

In the first case, to remove a hyperlink from your document while preserving the text to which it is linked, all you have to do is right-click on the hyperlink (the words underlined in blue, so to speak) and select the Remove Hyperlink item from the menu that appears.

In case you want to remove hyperlinks from Word for the whole document or a portion of it, the path to take involves a few more steps. First, you need to highlight the text of the document: you can use the left mouse button dragging it on the text to highlight the portion or press the Select > Select All items located at the top right (in the Home tab ) to highlight all the text of the document.

Alternatively, you can highlight all the text using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+A or Ctrl+5 (for older editions). Now, to remove all the links at once use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+F9 and you’re done.

As an alternative to the solutions I have provided, you can also disable the automatic hyperlink creation feature when you type paths yourself. To do this, click on the File tab and then press the Options button .

How to Delete Hyperlinks from Word on Mac

Are you using a Mac ? No problem, you can remove hyperlinks from Word documents by following procedures very similar to those we just saw together for Windows systems. Here is how to proceed in detail.

If you want to delete a single hyperlink, open the document you want to remove in Word (using the File > Open menu at the top left or by dragging the file icon onto the Word icon in the macOS Dock) and locate the link you want to remove (the words underlined in blue).

At this point, right-click on the hyperlink you want to delete, select Hyperlink > Remove Hyperlink from the menu that appears and you’re done.

Want to remove multiple hyperlinks in bulk? It couldn’t be easier. To start, if you want to remove links throughout the document, press cmd+a on your Mac keyboard to select all the text in the file. You can also use the Edit > Select All options in the top menu bar.

If you want to highlight only a part of the text, help yourself by dragging the pointer with the left mouse button and selecting the text from which you want to remove the links. Then press the key combination cmd+6 and all the hyperlinks will be removed from the document.