How to remove echo in Discord: fixing the problem

We will tell you how to remove echo in Discord – this is an unpleasant, although small problem, which can be quickly eliminated! The main thing is to remember simple instructions and learn to apply them in practice. We will help with this: we have compiled a detailed guide that will be understandable even for a beginner.

Application settings

Wondering why I can hear myself in Discord? Sometimes built-in software for sound processing does not work correctly – therefore, voice processing is not correct. Voice duplication may periodically occur, difficulties with perceiving incoming calls. Don’t worry, this can be fixed!

Problems may arise in the following cases:

  • Incorrectly set settings;
  • Hardware problems;
  • Technical problems that the user cannot influence.

A small echo defect can occur for various reasons – let’s not think about the nature of the problem, let’s try to solve it. It will not be possible to fully communicate under echo in Discord – it is necessary to fix the problems that have arisen.

First of all, let’s pay attention to the messenger settings – the application is responsible for the quality of sound transmission! Let’s try to figure out how to turn off echo in Discord. We present to your attention the most detailed instructions:

  • Open the application;
  • Click on the gear icon on the bottom left panel;
  • Find the “Application Settings” section and click on the “Voice and Video” line ;
  • Go to the “Voice Processing” block ;
  • Look for the line “Echo cancellation” and turn on the switch. It should light up blue!
  • The changes you make are saved automatically, just close the options window.

Here is the first answer to the question of how to remove echo in Discord on a phone or computer. We strongly recommend rebooting the device, only then returning to communication – the problems should disappear automatically.

Let’s move on to the next part of our review – the measures taken are not always enough, you need to try something else! You don’t want to hear the annoying echo effect all the time, do you? It is impossible to communicate in this way, you need to restore functionality.

Operating system settings

Are you complaining: “I hear myself on my friend’s Discord”? If you followed the previous instructions exactly but did not achieve the desired result, the problem must be looked for elsewhere.

We recommend paying attention to the operating system settings. Working with the messenger will not give any results, you need to switch your attention to other settings! To stop thinking about why there is an echo in Discord, do the following:

  • Click on the sound icon on the launcher – right-click and select “Open Sound Options” ;
  • Go to the Sound Control Panel section ;
  • Open the Recording tab;
  • Place the cursor on the microphone and click “Properties”, this button is located in the lower right corner;
  • Go to the “Improvements” tab ;
  • Check the box next to “Echo Suppression” ;
  • Click the Apply button and then click OK to save the changes.

We also recommend checking the “Noise Suppression” box to improve the quality of audio transmission. And no more saying, “I can hear myself in Discord!” We’ve found a workable solution to the problem.

We told you how to remove echo in Discord on your phone or computer – our methods are simple, clear and effective! All instructions have been tested in practice and can really help to cope with an unpleasant situation. Restore the program’s functionality, return to pleasant communication and games with friends right now.