How to Record Game Audio in Streamlabs


  • How to Add Game Audio to Streamlabs
    • How to add an audio source to Streamlabs
  • Setting the default audio device
  • Balancing your sounds
  • Summarizing

Have you finally become good enough at your favorite game and decided to try your hand at streaming? If you have reached this article, most likely you have logged into Streamlabs, started the game, but there is no sound.

You may be hearing the sound of your playing, but your audience is not. Obviously, this is not a good experience for your first stream. Don’t worry, it’s easy to fix. Let’s jump in and get started.

How to Add Game Audio to Streamlabs

Adding different audio sources to Streamlabs is made easy with the mixer. You may already have your desktop sound and your microphone added to the mixer. Usually, when you add desktop sound to the mixer, you will be able to hear the sound of the game.

If you can’t hear game audio and you have desktop audio added to the mixer, it’s likely that your game audio is routed through a different source. It could potentially be a set of headphones or earbuds that you use to listen to game audio.

In this case, follow these steps to add headphones as an audio source to Streamlabs.

How to add an audio source to Streamlabs

  • Determine in your game where the game audio is sent. You can usually find this in Settings -> Sound . For example, you can see that my Warzone audio is set to Headset . We then need to add this source to Streamlabs so that our audience can also hear the sound of the game.
  • Open Streamlabs and navigate to Sources “+” -> “Audio Output Capture” -> “Add Source”.
  • Give your audio source a name (I’d use headphones in this example).
  • You will then see the Advanced Audio Settings tab . Here we need to select our device. In this example, I’m choosing Headset Earphone because that’s the audio source through which I listen to my game. You would choose the sound source you are using in the game settings.
  • Once you have selected the output source, you can exit the “Advanced Audio Settings” tab.
  • You will now see this audio source in the mixer and sources. Here you can adjust the volume of the game so that it balances with your microphone, allowing your audience to hear you.

Once you add the same device that you have installed in your game, you will be able to hear your game audio in Streamlabs OBS.

Setting the default audio device

Generally, most people want all their audio to go through their headsets while streaming. This may include game sound, music, Discord, etc.

The easiest way to achieve this across all programs is to set the default audio device on your PC.

For example, if I want all sound to come from my headset, which is connected to my Blue Yeti microphone, I would use the setting below. You can set them up for the device you want your audio to come from.

  • Navigate to the Start button on your PC and then look for Sound Settings.
  • Once you are in the sound settings, go to the “Output” section and select the output device. Here you have to select the device through which you want all your audio to go. For me it’s the Speakers (Yeti Stereo Microphone).

Once this is set, all your games will use that specific audio device by default . This will also mean that in Streamlabs the “Desktop Audio” source will provide the sound of your game by default.

If you use this method, you wo n’t need to add an additional audio source to OBS.

There may be times when you want the sound to come from different devices, and this is where the first option we discussed should be used.

Balancing your sounds

When you first take the stage, it’s important to balance your sounds. The two main sounds that need to be balanced are your microphone and the sound of the game.

You have to play around with them by adjusting the sliders in the mixer.

Make some test recordings before going live so you can listen to the levels. After you type them in, you can click Go live and start broadcasting to the whole world.

Depending on the game you are playing, you may need to adjust these settings as some games will be louder than others.


Now both you and your audience should be able to hear the sound of your game from Streamlabs OBS. Enjoy broadcasting to your audience!